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Clothes changing in certain environments.


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I know it's a complex idea but I will express anyway. My Dream mod would be when you as a player or chosen Companions will change outfits automatically when they get into certain environments. Kind of like in Skyrim you can set your followers outfits for town, battle and so forth. An example would be, when you go into let's say a player home for a first time you are given a choice of what to wear or a Workshop you change into "work clothes". I have even thought you could have your companions "relax" into outfits (provided by you no less) in a interior cell marked a player home and suit up as they leave.

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Well Amazing Following Tweaks (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976) allows you, at least for companions, to do just that. You can choose outfits for standard, combat, city, home, camp and swim I think. It also adds outfits for Nick and a bunch of other features companion-wise. However there must be a way to do for the player with modder wizardry, since a guy figured out to do it for companions. I would use it, be cool if it worked with True Storms so when a radiation storm kicked in it would equip your best radiation gear.

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Nice... Thank you. I actually have mod but haven't APPARENTLY fully explored that mod. As to your point, I think that would be great for a trigger like a storm or something, you change into a radiation gear or set camp. good idea and thank you for the information about AFT.

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Yeah AFT is really the hidden gem of mods. You can have your companions scrap everything and also build settlements for 2'000 caps even with walls, sanctuary is free. Look at your companion and use the AFT quick item (default is #3, so remove any items in that slot) and you get a menu, look at actions and you can see allot cool new commands.

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