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Need help with my first mod for Skyrim SE


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I have been working on a mod for some time now.




I'm trying to give her summon the same look as Kodlak's red wolf spirit in "Glory of the Dead". I found the actor "Kodlak Wolf Spirit" but its not ghostly red, nor can i find anything attached to it that give that visual.


I am also having issues with a werewolf transformation script that i managed to piece together. I did have the script have her cast werewolfchangefx at 30% and DLC1RevertForm at 90% health but seems when werewolf transformation occurs, it fully heals her and bypasses 90% mark and instantly changes back to normal self. Its at .99% for script testing. So i set it to combat state and it seems to change to and from fine. however, she has has spells and when she changes to werewolf, she would sometimes try to cast them but cant, i can see the spell visual effect in her paws, in particularly her custom summon familiar spell and just stand there or run a short distance away. other times she doesn't try to cast with no paw visual effects and she'll tear them bandits up. I have tested this script on a follower with no spells and works every time.


I would like to set up some sort of timer for the revert form, maybe 30 seconds or regenerates enough health. Either passively or "feeding", if its even possible, As well as preventing any kind spell casting while she is a werewolf. I'm not all good at scripting,so you would need to walk me through what i would need to do.




Scriptname LoliaWerewolfChanger extends Actor
SPELL Property WerewolfChangeFX Auto
SPELL Property DLC1RevertForm Auto
Actor Property actorproperty Auto
race property raceyouwant auto
Faction property WerewolfFaction auto
Faction property PlayerFaction auto
Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
float ActorHealth2 = actorproperty.GetAVPercentage("Health")
if (ActorHealth2 < 0.99)
actorproperty.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 3)
actorproperty.SetFactionRank(WerewolfFaction, 1)
actorproperty.SetFactionRank(PlayerFaction, 1)
event onupdate()
float ActorHealth2 = actorproperty.GetAVPercentage("Health")
if (Game.GetPlayer().GetCombatState() == 0)
actorproperty.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 3)
actorproperty.SetFactionRank(PlayerFaction, 1)




Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time and knowledge.

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