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Skyrim Textures are Blurry


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TL: DR Skyrim Textures are blurry from afar.


I used to play Skyrim on my old laptop that could run the game (50-60 fps) on the lowest settings. Even thought it was on the lowest settings it didn’t look to bad and there wasn’t anything wrong with it. A couple months ago built a gaming pc. Of course, playing Skyrim on the lowest settings for my whole life I wanted to see how good it looked on maxed settings. It was amazing. I didn’t play much as I was addicted to csgo at the time, but it was very good with no problems. But after a couple of weeks I wanted to experiment and have fun, so I downloaded heaps of mods. The only texture mod that I downloaded was the Skyrim HD 2K mod but ever since then my textures looked very blurry from afar. I’ve tried reinstalling the game, playing on another steam account and changing the timescale but nothing worked. Is there a way I can fix this?



Screenshots - https://imgur.com/a/HddXrgh


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This has happened to others before, and it's been suggested you raise your Anisotropic Filtering in graphics, as it could be caused by not using enough.


16x AF has been known to do some.


Additionally, I doubt the texture-specific mod has caused the issue, but rather amplified how noticeable it is, and that could be why you're picking up on it now.

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