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CK won't save my esp! Plus solution (I hope)

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Just writing this in case anyone else gets this problem.


In CK, you click save and assume it saves. You click close and 'no' to save because you've just done it. CK closes.


Next time you open your esp, the last session's work is gone!


If you have the mod open in CK, click exit and 'yes' to save, nothing apparently happens and the kit won't even attempt to close.


After thinking I'd made a mistake and forgotten to save , I went back in navmeshed a huge chunk of my island... and lost all of that, too.


The solution was in the warnings dialogue.


'Unable to complete action. Path\MyMod.esp may be locked or read only. Data is saved to path\MyMod.tes' or words to that effect. * 'path' is just the full path to the data folder.


My esp was neither locked nor read only, however changing the .tes extension back to .esp allowed it to be opened and saved normally.


I'm still not sure how it happened but I do know that I'd been copying my esp to another directory while I tinkered around and copying it back and replacing the file in Data if I didn't get the result I wanted. I'd also created LOD for objects using SSElodgen and made backups before doing that. maybe something got messed up copying, renaming and pasting all the time.


Something else that may have screwed it up is that I must have inadvertently made my worldspace a child of Tamriel at one point. I changed it back to parent: none ( with more copying pasting and backing up beforehand)


Anyway, touch wood, it's working for now.

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I think it's wise to remind you that the CK will backup esps. I know in this situation it doesn't as the save needs to be successful, but as it's clear you're doing some pretty heavy world building, it'd be a good piece of mind to know it's there.

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Cheers for that Rasikko.


I've never encountered this problem before so it came as a shock, especially 'losing' 2-3 hours of exterior navmesh (which I hate doing).


I just put this post on to maybe prevent others from having the same heartache!


On the plus side, I was so demorallised I tidied the kitchen and living room when I thought I'd lost all my work because I couldn't open CK without throwing the PC out of the window!

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