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Fallout NV missing video files


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Hello fellow wanderers ,


I require some help regarding F:NV.The short story is that a few days ago I found my NV dvd while I was cleaning my closet(I considered it long gone) and was tempted to finally finish playing it.So I installed and started new game only to realise that there was no intro movie.I searched around and found out that the problem is that my video folder in the data directory seems to be mising.I tried reinstalling the game but it didn't work.Then I tried to download and install via steam (not from the cd) but still no video folder appeared.I even tried to verify the data from steam and nothing went wrong.So my questions are :


1)Is there supposed to be a video folder in data ?I bought the game around the release and the movies were playing normally so I didn't bother with it then.

2)In what format are the movies in Fallout NV?Maybe I was looking for the wrong thing

3)Am I missing something completely ?


Any help appreciated

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There is a video folder, it contains one video called FNVIntro.BIK. I have no idea why you don't have one, annoyingly it's not on the DVD in a form that can just be copied across.
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is it not somewhere within the beth archives all mod managers have the BSA browser function do they not ?

also if it helps FO3's intro vid has the extension.VSK

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Hello again and thank you for the answers.I have done some tinkering and here's what I came up with.


I managed to get the intro working via a long but entertaining route :


1)New Vegas uses Bink video files for cutscenes , it's a free pack of video tools you can find here RAD Tools


2)I used those tools to turn a mp4 file with the intro into a .bik file and with the help from the posts above (figuring the name) I made a video folder and put it in.The intro was there on my next game.


Now my problem is the following : From some trailers I watched it seemed like the game had a couple of other cutscenes involved with quests (I remember a missile taking off and some other stuff).Are those files separate ?Of course I have no idea where and when a video is supposed to be played so I can't test if I was only missing the intro.

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just out of interest what is your installation directory?


id happily furnish you with exact details but my other rig with fnv on is currently suffering memory loss , but any and all videos should be located in the videos folder the only thing i can suggest is to download via steam and not install via disc as that could well be scratrched /damaged warped .

Edited by davycrockett
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