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Too many items in a cell?

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Is it possible to have too many items in a cell?


Here's what happened:

I decided to add/edit two extra rooms to Proudspire Manor, as well as change some of the items around the house. In one room I added three bookshelves, some weapon and armor racks, and a forge. In the other, I moved stuff around and such...


Turns out, that after loading/walking into Proudspire manor, everything works fine. Leaving the house causes a crash to desktop. -- This happens with and without clean saves (as in: never set foot in Solitude or Proudspire).


So I did some messing around, and one bookshelf is one too many. I can add 2, but not 3. I can't say that I've ever had this problem with places like the Archmage's chambers, or any custom cells. I once tried putting something like 15 bookshelves and a poop load of items in a cell, with no crash to desktop upon exiting. At the moment, there is a workaround where if I load a small cell first, before an exterior cell, I won't have a crash to desktop.


I don't think this should be happening, but if anyone has an idea of what's causing the issue, it would be very helpful.




Here's the file:

This is the "Workaround" version, and if you want to test it for yourself:


- This requires a clean save - as in never set foot in Solitude or Proudspire Manor.


- Remove the current exits to Proudspire Manor and place/use ones that connect directly to and from the cells "SolitudeRow" and "SolitudeProudspireManor"


- Enter and exit Proudspire Manor after (or before) fully upgrading the house.


- Check for CTD - any help is appreciated.

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There is a way to see if you are reaching the limit of too many items and that is the bar on the cell view window. it shows how many MB and what the limit should be. 157MB is the limit in the CK, though thats suggested as i have breached it with 1 too many buckets. I cant see anything wrong with Proudspire, though you have a few cells to go through getting into it i assume. hidden, tran, trans2 and trans3... 35.90% 56.36MB/157MB I dont think it is the number of items added to the cell itself when my modded proudspire is over 100MB.


the door ref# 01001302 has a solid wall on the other side of it, Not sure if thats intentional or removed in the house purchase/upgrade... Just an observation and i am not clicking on it to see if its linked lol..... Also I see you deleted a ton of items that were vanilla, and that can cause major headaches later. best to drag them outside and pretend they no longer exist. I also notice you deleted the wonderful hidden room next to the basement door...


Anyway I cant see an issue with your esp in the CK on a quick inspection aside from a mass amount of emittance errors for the walls.. Try disabling a couple other random mods and see if the CTD stops.


Compliments on the forge, i like the 2 arches mated to make a chimney and the mist fxmistlow, I flipped the Riften clutter chimney and scaled for that purpose.



On the "Anyway" paragraph/sentence Skyrim has a limit on the amount of mods that can be run and i am not talking about the 255 the launcher will allow. if you push the limit you get random CTD's. so thats why i suggest shutting off a couple random mods to see if you are at the limit and exceed it with a bookshelf. if the mod runs fine with them shut off then there is probably nothing wrong with what you did to proudspire.

Edited by jet4571
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lol I double posted in the forums.. thought that was a comment section issue....


Nope, it's been here a while. You should see some of the epic septuple posts some do.


As for the topic, I've got the same problem with one of my cells. When you enter the cell it works fine, but get a CTD no matter how you exit it. Catch is that this is a brand new cell (Though I did paste in some vanilla clutter arrangements).

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  • 2 weeks later...


As for the topic, I've got the same problem with one of my cells. When you enter the cell it works fine, but get a CTD no matter how you exit it. Catch is that this is a brand new cell (Though I did paste in some vanilla clutter arrangements).


Tamb0 helped me solve it. It's not a fix that allows you to directly link the interior cell to the exterior cell, but when you are playing the game, you can't tell the difference.




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