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A New Way to Play Fallout 4


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Let me start by stating, I really don't know if this belongs in General F4 Discussion or F4 Mod Talk.


I just finished Fallout 4 finally, took me forever because I just couldn't get into it and I usually love Fallout games. I played through with hardly any mods, mostly textures and armor changes but now would like to give the game another go using mods to help/enhance the playthrough. I already down loaded an alternative start mod as I do not want to play as Shaun's parent again. What I'm looking for are suggestions in immersion and game play mods.


The thing I really hated in Fallout 4 was the inability to wait or sleep anywhere I wanted.


What I would like is change the game play to focus on melee with guns and ammo being scarce, I would like some kind of needs mods and then some other mod that would make accumulation of caps and general wealth extremely difficult. Essentially make it more of a difficult place to survive. I've read about the Frost mod and while that sounds interesting I'm looking to keep the quests intact. Finally is there anything like Death Alternative from Skyrim?


Appreciate any suggestions and thanks.

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The problem with the types of changes you describe is that Fallout 4 was such a poor base for modders to work with. And then 'settlements' complicated the situation conceptually to the point where i feel most of your types of modders simply gave up.


Fallout 4 is a real problem. Its engine is stretched well beyond breaking point, thanks to handling far too many things on the CPU that modern engines do today on the GPU.


Take mods to put more 'bad guys' spawning on the map. Horrible things happen, cos the engine is already beyond breaking point with its scripting for current enemies. An no, the fake 64-bit fixed nothing that mattered (BGS just recompiled a 32-bit source with the 64-bit flag).


The script system hates extra loading. The render system uses the dreadful "combine objects" trick to shoehorn in more 'density', so changes there break the engine (massive frame drops).


Now you'll say "but my mods wouldn't be visual'- but even gameplay mods of ambition tend to come with enviromental changes.


I think all those that tried to do what you want became the games less successful modders, and mostly gave up. I think that outside of 'sim settlements', the 'good' mods stay in the character of the original game design. Not cos that design is good- it is terrible. But because 'fixing' it tends to make things worse.


A 'new' way to play Fallout 4 would mean an act of game design very significant in quality, and do you know how rare that skill is even in employed designers?


Like most, I've used some of the type of mods you request in Skyrim, but they made sense in Skyrim. Take 'camping'. Does camping make sense in Fallout 4?


Modders MIGHT have done a NV-like faction overhaul, but as I said, scripting load is a terrible issue for Fallout 4. And even what a script can code (behaviour) is terribly limited.


After this many years, I think we can say that Fallout 4 is what it is. Mods cannot 'change' it (to any worthwhile degree) but they can improve its look, and add more 'in character' content (iNPC). If playing more of the same (Far Harbour and Nukaworld) doesn't do it for you, then maybe you have to move on- tho sadly games in this form are rare.


PS whenever I read anyone talking about 'roleplaying' in FO4, they always did it by creating a specific character, then doing the rest entirely with imagination in their head. 'Pretending' rather than expecting the game to do it for them.


Perhaps you could do the same. Create your character. Decide on his/her world expectations. Then use some of the half-baked mods that attempt to tweak some of the game mechanisms. But you'll have to meet these mods half way.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply, zanity. Your last point, roleplaying, it's what I do during Skyrim, make choices that make sense for the character and use mods that enhance that experience.


As I wrote, I did load an alternate start mod which gave me a bunch of choices to start a new character. Decided to be a scavenger, woke up in a bus just outside of Lexington with nothing but the clothes on my back. Spent most of my time so far running from just about everything except radroaches, which only need a few swift punches.


I will see what else I can find and see if anything else will integrate into the game, I do like the idea of camping and waiting when I want. Based upon my initial play through and running True Storms and darker nights there are just times when it's good to wait till daylight. Don't want to have to run around to find a chair/couch/bed to do that. I also saw two needs mods but haven't tried either yet.


In the end if figures, I really enjoy the Fallout worlds and it would be nice if it were as flexible as Skyrim but that's just not my luck.


By the way, do you or anyone know of a mod that changes the player third person animation? I like playing in third person but get dizzy/motion sickness from the slight lag when changing direction. It also make moving through buildings and tight exteriors difficult. I'm not sure I'm describing it properly, I'll change direction and the camera moves but it takes second for the character to move, it's seems exaggerated when wearing power armor. It may seem like a small thing but it's very annoying. Skyrim, Fallout NV and Fallout 3 the character moves with the camera.

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The base game already does allow you to sleep in nearly any bed? If it doesn't, then one of your mods might be causing it. If the beds and sleeping bags scattered liberally around the vanilla world aren't enough, you can also download Campsite or Conquest, both of which allow you to build campsites and sleep just about anywhere.

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26145/ Wait Anywhere allows you to wait anywhere. I don't really find it necessary because there are places to sit just about everywhere, but there you have it.

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1486/? Loot Overhaul reduces loot spam and it hand-places good loot (weapons, ammo, stimpacks, etc) in more secure/hidden locations so that you have to actually search to find it, but the handplacing is done in such a way that common sense will usually lead you in the right direction.
If you use that mod, I don't think you'll have much of a problem with having too much money, since you're more likely to end up paying for your supplies. Also remember not to invest any points into your Luck spec, as that's the one that causes you to find more caps laying around.

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21986 Melee World dramatically reduces the number of guns in the world.

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10997/ This is the needs mod I use. It has hunger, thirst, and exhaustion.

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29171 Adds hygiene needs as well.

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Wow, thanks for all the links, TSSC, that was much more than I was expecting.


I know the beds and chairs are scattered throughout the game but there are many times when there are enough times when they are not available that a nice camp mod would be helpful. The waiting thing is just a sore point for me, on the occasions that I want to wait I don't want to have to think about finding a chair, or bed, or couch, just a pointless game feature in my opinion.


Again, thanks for all the links and tips, it's really appreciated. Can't wait to try them out.

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Let me start by stating, I really don't know if this belongs in General F4 Discussion or F4 Mod Talk.


I just finished Fallout 4 finally, took me forever because I just couldn't get into it and I usually love Fallout games. I played through with hardly any mods, mostly textures and armor changes but now would like to give the game another go using mods to help/enhance the playthrough. I already down loaded an alternative start mod as I do not want to play as Shaun's parent again. What I'm looking for are suggestions in immersion and game play mods.


The thing I really hated in Fallout 4 was the inability to wait or sleep anywhere I wanted.


What I would like is change the game play to focus on melee with guns and ammo being scarce, I would like some kind of needs mods and then some other mod that would make accumulation of caps and general wealth extremely difficult. Essentially make it more of a difficult place to survive. I've read about the Frost mod and while that sounds interesting I'm looking to keep the quests intact. Finally is there anything like Death Alternative from Skyrim?


Appreciate any suggestions and thanks.


I've tried many game play mods, but Horizon is the best one. It's a huge mod that changes every aspect of game, but you should read documentation, it's quite confusing at first time. Just play on survival mode with horizon and campsite, add few visual mods if u like.

I also love smoke able cigars, pip boy flash light and gas masks. For extra immersion these mods are excellent

Edited by Mandragorasprouts
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I've tried many game play mods, but Horizon is the best one. It's a huge mod that changes every aspect of game, but you should read documentation, it's quite confusing at first time. Just play on survival mode with horizon and campsite, add few visual mods if u like.

I also love smoke able cigars, pip boy flash light and gas masks. For extra immersion these mods are excellent



I'll check it out. Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The base game already does allow you to sleep in nearly any bed? If it doesn't, then one of your mods might be causing it. If the beds and sleeping bags scattered liberally around the vanilla world aren't enough, you can also download Campsite or Conquest, both of which allow you to build campsites and sleep just about anywhere.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26145/ Wait Anywhere allows you to wait anywhere. I don't really find it necessary because there are places to sit just about everywhere, but there you have it.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1486/? Loot Overhaul reduces loot spam and it hand-places good loot (weapons, ammo, stimpacks, etc) in more secure/hidden locations so that you have to actually search to find it, but the handplacing is done in such a way that common sense will usually lead you in the right direction.

If you use that mod, I don't think you'll have much of a problem with having too much money, since you're more likely to end up paying for your supplies. Also remember not to invest any points into your Luck spec, as that's the one that causes you to find more caps laying around.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21986 Melee World dramatically reduces the number of guns in the world.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10997/ This is the needs mod I use. It has hunger, thirst, and exhaustion.


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29171 Adds hygiene needs as well.



I just wanted to reply with a thank you, TSSC. I already had Wait Anywhere loaded but wasn't functioning properly. I added Loot Overhaul and the Get Dirty mod as well as CWSS and a few others like Campsite. I'm already enjoying the game so much more. Right now my character only has a tire iron and pipe rifle with a handful of bullets with nothing but a few caps on hand. So much more interesting. Going to try the needs mod soon too, trying them bit by bit to see how they all play together.


Mandragorasprouts, I plan on checking out Horizons too, right now I only have the Vanilla game, forget if that one requires all the DLC's.


Fallout 4 has gone from a game I was "meh" about to something much more interesting. Again, thanks to all who shared info.

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@ OP ....


... play the game without any mod. Use only a handgun ( at the most ) and melee weapons but before ... go into xEdit and level all enemies. If you know a bit about how to use xEdit, you won't need any mod to make enemies tougher.


That way, you will have a game free of mods, your game probably will run much better and you will have a very tough game. I've done this and I did it with my current game. Just to give you an idea, my Behemots are super very hard to kill. They are the taller enemies and the more difficult to kill. I increased their health, endurance, strength, damage and energy resistance to a point that as I said, they are very difficult to kill ... simply because there are no mods out there that makes enemies that strong so I have a different way to play my own game.


I also increase all mutants, raiders, synths and robots. I am playing in very difficult ( not legendary ) setup so my own game, regardless of some mods that I am using, it is tougher than ever, so this way, after I have played this game dozens of time, I found a new way to play it that is making me to have more fun than ever.


You can do the same.

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@ OP ....


... play the game without any mod. Use only a handgun ( at the most ) and melee weapons but before ... go into xEdit and level all enemies.


You can do the same.



Really appreciate the approach and the suggestion, sopmac45. I wasn't really trying to make it harder or enemies more difficult to kill. I wanted to make the game more interesting and diverse, immersive. While I like the combat here and there I like the adventure, exploration part of the game best and challenges derived from that. I know Fallout has evolved over time to be much more of a shooter but it's really not my main focus. Again, thanks, you at least gave me something to think about.

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