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Where are the beards?


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There is one thing I always missed painfully in Oblivion: beards. That's why I was quite glad to find some mods adding them to a number of npcs (for example "npc nords with beard", thank you a lot for that (-; ). Having installed all of them I still cant find one single bearded person in Cyrodill. Do you have any idea? Are those mods perhaps incompatible to other ones (like "Facial textures" by Enayla or similar npc-mods)?


Thx in advance,



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Could be an install order issue, if your beard mod is a simple replacer (no esp in the download). With replacers whichever is installed last wins if two or more replace the same vanilla asset.


Another possibility is that you haven't activated any form of archive invalidation (something that helps the game use newer assets instead of those it's programmed to look for in the vanilla game BSA files). Easiest way to take care of that is using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Click the Utilities button, select Archive Invalidation and then click the BSA Redirection radio button. Leave everything else at defaults and close OBMM (it doesn't have a save changes option ... it saves it's changes when it closes). BSA Redirection is the recommended method these days and it's a do once and forget about it solution.


Lastly is correct installation issues. Are the mesh and texture folders in the proper place? Is the esp (if it has one) in the Data folder and activated using the vanilla launcher Data Files (or method of your choice ... e.g. OBMM or Wyre Bash)?

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