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Aiming while zoomed in with a bow is "blocky."


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Have you tryed going to the website for the manufacturer of the mouse?

They may have info on making adjustments or you can ask them how to solve this problem


I think the jagged mouse scroll is too minute to be noticed. For me, i notice it because i aim at small stuff, or large stuff that that are far away. I like sniping, and with the faster arrows mod, it's possible. This is the only drawback. It's actually like right 1.5 mm. and up 1.5 mm. to move diagonally Northeast or up-right.


This isn't a problem when the enemy stares at you in the face (yeah swords, hammers, and axes out, bows are needed here). It is a huge problem when you trying to take out a guard in Anvil with you and the guard on opposite ends of the town.

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I agree with Dezdimona, i have never had any problems with bows. And the only weapons i play with are Blade and bow. When i zoom in with the bow everything is perfect, nothing of that you are saying. It is all smooth.


I really don't know what your problem can be of but it must either be your mouse or game. Do you have the latest patch? It could be that, because before i bought GOTY and played the first version i experienced some problems when i was zoomed in.

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I could be wrong, but a test I ran suggests that Oblivion's mouse-movement is in the smallest possible increments when un-zoomed, so when zoomed in those increments appear to be significantly larger. That is to say, all you can really do is develop a lighter touch.


my pixels are 1024 X 768. Maybe you guys have higher pixels?


What this guy said is completely what i was thinking. I know that this is the case because i've played CS:S, BF 2, COD 4, all in which i sniped perfectly at 60% headshots. Yeah, the scope in those games go pretty far, and still i can move them smoothly. In Oblivion, the zoom is half that of a sniper and i encounter this jagged problem.


I'm sure it's the game. I have the latest patch unless there's a version 1.3 that Bethesda doesn't want to show me.

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I believe I saw a mod for increasing bow accuracy just the other day, maybe thats worth a try?


What's that mod really called? tried "accuracy" didn't work.


And, i know how to fix this problem...only if i know how to do it. Mouse goes only in VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL paths. If i could make it go DIAGONAL too, then that's swell. I don't believe i can do that. I'm no technician.


Or, perhaps by moving the mouse Northeast, you could try to make the mouse SKIP going from RIGHT AND UP, and make it go STRAIGHT DIAGONALLY Northeast.

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