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Turn based Strategy


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As it's been said, Heroes Of Might And Magic, although I like 5 too, the universe is less silly and I like the 3D that the others lack, even if the graphics aren't much.


Does Worms count as strategy?


Total War games are enjoyable. Especially Rome:Total War.

The Total War Series (although awesome) isn't turn based (well, the battles aren't, and that's really what counts).

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree with several people who mentioned the Heroes of Might and Magic games I - IV. Didn't like V as well either, but it's ok. I also loved the Might and Magic games. I still try to play the Might and Magic Millennium edition every now and then. It's really quite a large game and lots of fun. Graphics and speed don't compare to today's games, and I have to get my husband to rig up some kind of compatibility thingy on my computer to get it to run right, but it's enjoyable every now and then. Someone else mentioned Lords of Magic. That's another good one. Also, I think Arcanum is turn based. I'm not sure. But I played that several times. It's pretty straight forward and not a very open ended game, but the story is a little different, and I thought it was cool. Also, if you prefer the turn based strategy (as do I, since I'm not a very good fighter) there are some good chess games out there that have battles in them so that they are sort of strategy/rpgs that include a chess game, but they are turn based; although they may include a timer. If you don't play chess, some of them are tutorials, so you can learn in the process. Good luck. Hope some of our suggestions are helpful to you. Enjoy!
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Oooh.... turn based strategy-- one of my weaknesses.


My introduction to the genre was Bandit Kings of Ancient China on the NES, and I still think it's one of the best. Then I played Romance of the Three Kingdoms, also on NES. When the SNES came along, I played RotTK 2 and 3 (3 was especially good). I really love all of the Koei TBS games-- the ones I already mentioned plus Genghis Khan 1 and 2 and Nobunaga's Ambition (the feudal Japan setting is a lot of fun and I love that you can recruit Miyamoto Musashi), and I guess Uncharted Waters 1 and 2 would also count, though they're not conquer the world games, so they tend more toward being sims. And I can't forget Ogre Battle 1 and 2 and Tactics Ogre.


Civ of course was great, and Civ2 is even better, but that almost goes without saying.


One of my all-time favorites, and probably the one I've replayed the most, is Front Mission for the SNES. It was a Japan-only release, but there are translations available. It's a fairly straightforward battle sim (with gundam-style mecha) with only marginal story, so it's pretty much only the battle half of TBS, but it's an exceptional game. Similar to that is the Super Robot Taisen series, which finally saw an American release with Original Generation. Great, great game. In that vein too, the Fire Emblem series is quite good.


Mmmm yeah..... love those games. :biggrin:



gpstr1: You are the only other person I have seen mention my favorite early game, Bandit Kings of Ancient China by Koei! I also enjoyed the other Koei games you mentioned, but I absolutely loved that one. I wish they would bring out a PC version. I no longer have any sort of Nintendo. I think I read somewhere that they did have a version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms out. I'm not sure if it is a console version or a PC version; but I really would love to see Bandit Kings for PC. Wouldn't you? :)

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Me, I'm not a big fan of TBS... Checkers... Meh... But the old Fallouts were super fun! Those would count as TBS, right? I mean, it is turnbased, and you do use a tad bit of strategy... Unless you're me and only like to beat games using the cowboy approach (Going in, shooting first, not bothering with questions later... Guilty...), then it's not really strategy... Turn based is like Pokemon and crap, right? Lol I guess I like Pokemon Red. OOH! Anf Final Fantasy VII of course (unbeatable).
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  • 2 months later...

There's so many good turn-based game I've played over the years but let's start with a lesser known one:


Dominions III is simply fantastic. Where else can you lead a nation of water-based Cthulhu monsters, or subterranean humans with animated statues, or living lava people with blood magic, or ancient Japanese Oni and Bakemono, led by the god/goddess of your choice? The graphics are poor but that's irrelevant compared to how good it is in other ways.

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well don't know if any of have played it,the one i played is Brigandine ( PS 1 ), Front Mission Series (PS,PS2) and Hero of Might and Magic IV and V ( PC )


of all tittle i mention above my favourite is Front Mission Series.

its hard to find worth to play TBS game this day except Civillization IV and Settler series.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shining Force for sega.






ogrebattle for playstation not 64


final fantasy tactics for playstation


i would love to see an mmo incorporate tbs into its end game fun like once you are level 3000 you can join a city or build one of your own and start the tbs that never ends


Oh and i forgot that grandfather of tbs Chess or wait did checkers come first

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