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20000 carry weight


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Hi im using several settlement mods and first i was sure "Build and scrap beyond workshp boundarys" bugged my carry weight to 20000.

Once i deinstalled the mod, i actually realy got back my original carry weight.

But now i again have 20000 carry weight, without this mod enabled.


I dont like to disable my sim settlement mod because i am afraid to ruin my towns.


Else i dont believe i have certain mods who ever had announced a carry weight.

Maybe some of the bagpack mods is bugged but even with no backpacks in use i have it.

Inside settlements i dont care about but outside settlements i dont want to have a 20000 carry weight because it is cheating and ruin the fun.


Does anyone know how to quickfix it maybe even without a mod? Did anyone also had this bug and knows where it comes from?

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Open Console and type: Player.forceav Carryweight "New Carryweight Value" <-- (without quotation marks)


Example for 300 carryweight:


Player.forceav carryweight 300


the above will force your carry weight to be 300 lb


Note: not sure if it works on fallout 4. but this command works on skyrim, so since they are the same engine, the commands should still work as well.


Forceav = Force Actor Value. this is a Permanent Change, as such will Force a New Permanent Value. meaning the carry weight will be set to the value, even after a game reload. only a modifier will override this (such as equipment that when equipped increases the carry weight modifier. but this just means it will add onto the value you set.)


Note: if the 20k carry weight is done via a script, then this will override the console command, if that is the case, your only option is to find out which mod is doing it and delete said mod, but if it is a script it will be baked into the save file, this will then result in bad consequences. such as potential damage to game stability.


Note: Console commands have the highest priority, but they rely on user input, so they will only work once, every time you input command, where as with a script it can activate multiple times, thus meaning you might have to keep forcing the new carry weight, however it really depends on how the script works, if it is only fired once, then the console command will only need to be done once, but scripts can activate every time the player loads into the game. meaning the carryweight will be changed every time you fire up the game. thus meaning you will need to use the console every time you fire up the game.


however their is a quick method to using the console, you can copy the command i wrote above, along with your desired carry weight, paste it into a text document, name the text document something you will remember

and then when you are in game, open console and simply type: Bat "name of the text document" and that will load everything inside the document




Bat test <-- (this will load everything inside the test, text document)


Note: for this to work, the text document must be placed in the fallout 4 root folder (where the fallout 4 launcher is)

Edited by Guest
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