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Skyrim crashes after a few minutes, disabled all mods but still


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I can enter the game fine but my game just crashes after maximum 5 min.I disabled a lot of newer mods and older but still it crases. Is it a corupt save or something? I thought the save can be corrupt only if you cant load it
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Well it could be a corrupt file somewhere, but it's hard to tell without more information.


What are your computer specs? (Processor, RAM, Graphics Card, VRAM)

Have you been able to run Skyrim before without any problems?

If so, what changed just before you noticed the problem?

Does it crash after 5 minutes regardless of where in Skyrim you go or what you are doing?

What mods are you running? Have you tried uninstalling them all according to the mod authors' instructions (this is important because some mods will leave you with permanent problems if they are uninstalled incorrectly)

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