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New game (W.I.P)


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Me and some friends made a team (which keeps getting bigger) and are making a game. A survival horror game, no name for it yet.


So far we got this much about it. Takes place year 2013. In Australia, in 3 places basically, a forest outside Snowtown, Snowtown (both the forest and snowtown is one place) a small port town between Snowtown and Adelaide, and of course the city Adelaide (which is where the rest of the game will take place, and where we're hoping where the game's "spook" level gets really high).


We have thought up a main "story" so to say, which is a person who created some sort of drug, that turned everyone who used it into creature like things. In this persons attempt to take over the world, (or maybe just the western part of Australia) Although there are small resistance forces through Adelaide fighting against the creatures (which the resistance and the creatures need a name too)


We have a main character thought up already named Aaron Amori Rhiley. 16 years old, birthday is May 28, 1997 (remember game takes place 2013) 5'10, 143lbs. He's adventurous, a bit naive, and doesn't know how to give up (or he just doesn't give up?)


And another character who so far has no background info just a first name (and she's asian...Asian's are hot) Kuroki (leader of a resistance group), and her boyfriend Miyamoto.


All that plus the gun I just about finished (maybe err 70% complete) is about all we got. So umm ask your questions, or just comment.


I don't wanna say too much but that's basically all we got so far. So yeah, ask your questions, comment, offer ideas, whatever.

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Woot, now its a debate over the resitance name. Either, F.R.A.S, Final Resistance Assualt Squad. Or R.A.S, Resistance Assualt Squad...you guys decide which is cooler...
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Havok Engine, we're hoping it to be a retail game (buyable in stores), about 2 full towns and a full city size. So fairly big.
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Company? Umm dono yet lets make the game first and uhh. If you want scales of the cities, just type in Adelaide in google maps. You'll get the full size city. You can also type in snowtown which is a few km away from Adelaide...
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Haha I'm 15 too, and 6'0, about 135lbs. Anyways I'm going to get some rest, really tired. Leave your comments. And yes Chris we're doing a whole city.
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