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Chest changes in clothes


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This is the result of the 'body slide' settings of the worn item being different from that of your own body.


What chest item are you wearing?


Are you using CBBE / Body Slide?


Either you, or the item, or both - are most likely using body slide. If the item is a mod you grabbed, and you didn't run it through body slide, it will have the size of body that was used by whatever mod-maker made it. That said I have NO IDEA how to fix that IF the item was NOT made to use CBBE/Body Slide. It is possible but it's something I understand is complex and which I have yet to learn...



If you've changed your own body slide preset (on your own or by downloading one) but not applied it to all of the clothing in your game - then that also can explain why outfits have one size and your body another.


Lastly... if there is no body slide on you, and no body slide on the item... then the item is the size it is... and you are the size you are... and that's just that... unless you go get body slide and learn how to convert the item to it...


(Body Slide is basically a tool designed to prevent this issue, among other things... and the short version of what I wrote is that once one has body slide, they have to open up it's tool and apply a preset to both characters and outfits. Otherwise things might notbe in sync.)


Body Slide: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/201

- It doesn't require you to use CBBE... but if you're not using CBBE, then how to use it is something I personally don't yet know.

Edited by Jyotai
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Is your UNP armor both body slide compatible AND did you run it though the 'batch build' button on the bottom left of Body Slide?


(we're hitting the limits of what I know of this situation, so hopefully someone else knows more. I've not yet messed with UNP in Body Slide).

Edited by Jyotai
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