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Map of Dragon Burials


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I've been trying to use the map of dragon burials from Delphine's secret chamber as a decoration. I have tried placing it on numerous tables in several different houses. When I leave the house and return, it has fallen through whatever table I tried and I find it on the floor underneath. It doesn't matter how many times I pick it up and put it back on the same table, it just keeps falling through every time I leave the cell.


Most other items will stay where you put them after one or two tries. Some, like this map and one of the claw keys, won't stay anywhere I've tried to place them. Is there any fix for this map and other items that won't stay put? Is the problem with the map itself or with some general property of tables that make them unable to hold it?

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I've been successful in having placed objects stay where they are if, after placing said item, I drop another item - doesn't matter what or where - and then picking it up again. It seems the issue is with the last dropped object sticking. So, drop your object and place it, then drop another object (which can be picked up right away); your first object should then stay put.
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A perfect Thread Title for my Question, why does your Map not Update or show Markers of Dragon Burial Sights and why does Alduin Only rise that Dragon at that spot, why not go to the rest of the sights with an Animation when we come there and Alduin rise Another Dragon.
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A perfect Thread Title for my Question, why does your Map not Update or show Markers of Dragon Burial Sights and why does Alduin Only rise that Dragon at that spot, why not go to the rest of the sights with an Animation when we come there and Alduin rise Another Dragon.



If you're at the right burial mound at the right time you can see some other resurrections (perhaps it's a random event?).



As for map markers, I bet there's a mod that adds them. But there are all ready so many freaking markers I don't really mind not having them.

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I have seen Alduin rez other dragons three times out of five characters, and all three were at the mounds of named dragons. Apparently he does not begin this until after you have completed "Alduin's Wall", but I can't tell if there is some specific order in which he visits the mounds.


When he does appear, he seems to spend a long time at the mound to give you a chance to notice that something unusual is going on. For example, the first time I saw it was after coming out of Sunderstone Gorge. There was a dragon flying in tight circles way off in the distance, but it was a long hike and I wasn't sure I could get there before he flew off. I fought a group of bandits along the road and he was still out there, so I finally decided to go investigate. I finally got close enough to see that it was Alduin, and he began his resurrection ceremony.


Right now about the best you can do to get lucky is to stake out a couple of mounds where named dragons are buried and keep visiting them after doing "Alduin's Wall". That should give you a chance to see Alduin in action again. Two mounds that are easy to see from a distance are the one west of Rurikstead and the one northeast of Sunderstone Gorge.

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Back to OP's original question... Yeah, I fought that too (using the map for decoration). Anyways I have either lost it (stored it in a chest somewhere) or it's still in breezehome but not visible. I've been looking for it on and off the last couple of weeks. ;D Guess I'll console it back if I find the object ID.


Decorating your home is such a time killer. Like I said in another thread... I almost wish it wasn't even possible 'cause I've wasted a ton of time doing it. Imma go back to FO3 pretty soon. Love Skyrim but it puts me in a rage way too much! ;) Actually, my biggest accomplishment while playing Skyrim is that I haven't destroyed any of my peripheral devices in a rage. 8)


Btw BrettM, I was considering displaying my dragon claws... which one seems to give you trouble??

Edited by Sergeant Rock
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IIRC, it's the Emerald Claw. The others will stay on shelves like normal objects, but that one acts like the map and repeatedly falls through anything I put it on. The White Phial is another object that behaves this way as well.
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I tried to do this, and the map not only fell through the table but the floor as well and is now lost to the abyss.


Unfortunately I haven't been able to test the quicksave-and-leave technique on it since I learned of that after it had gotten eaten by the floor. Assuming you know what this is and have tried it, but if you don't: Try picking it back up, dropping it on the floor nearby, then quicksaving the game and loading it. Then (without picking it up) leave the house and come back in. Then you should be able to place the object anywhere you want without it resetting or falling off of whatever you put it on.


This has worked like a charm for everything for me so far. However, I think that map might be a special case so I'm curious if it works for it.

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I had the same problems with some other objects. Try to place that pretty dwemer Core somewhere! Or even that Gyro.


But the real trouble is Volendrung! It doesn't want to hang on any plaque or weapon rack. Every time I return home it lies on the floor below. :wallbash: Is it too heavy for the strappings?


Sadly, the only answer I have (for myself, at least) - some items are not ment to be put on display. Pity!

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