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Camera Turning with Player?


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Whenever my character is not wielding their weapon the character does not turn with the camera. Is there any way to simulate the same camera rotation as if the weapon was always out of its sheath? I really do not like always turning the camera & having my character face it.
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Whenever my character is not wielding their weapon the character does not turn with the camera. Is there any way to simulate the same camera rotation as if the weapon was always out of its sheath? I really do not like always turning the camera & having my character face it.


I can understand that. There would have to be a mod for that though. As a simple workaround you can just keep pressing up/w where you do your turning. Or go into first person. For quick FPS to third person view I set my view toggle key to the middle mouse button. I actually had to change a lot of the keys, like C to crouch and shift to sprint. idk what beth was thinking with the default PC controls.

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Yeah, me neither... the default controls suck!


I was hoping there was some toggle in the configuration file, some hidden line that could be added for disabling this "permanent vanity mode"... :wallbash:

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