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Need help finding what is causing CTD straight off attempt to load


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Ok guys, so I haven't been able to play Skyrim for about 2 months because I have been too lazy and/or involved with other games. However, now that I want to fulfill my RPG craving, my Skyrim is refusing to work. I have quite a few mods installed and I'm sure a conflict is causing the crash to desktop right after I try to load a saved game. If I disable every mod, the game works fine. However, I am not sure how to use Wrye Smash to fix the problem. I installed all the mods with NMM but I am trying to create the bashed patch with Wrye Smash. The BOSS list tells me that I should include the Dragon bone Tytanis compatibility.esp, non-playable armor.esp, Headbomber's Better Sorting Misc.esp, and Headbomber's Better Sorting Ammo.esp. It starts to create the patch, but then this shows up:


unpack requires a string argument of length 8
Error loading 'COBJ' record and/or subrecord: 02939001
 eid = u'RecipeAeonDragonboneSword'
 subrecord = 'CNTO'
 subrecord size = 4
 file pos = 813
Error in Dragonbone Weapons - Tytanis Compatibility.esp
Lexyrex - Magic Arrow.esp: Unexpected subrecord: 'AMMO.DEST'
Error loading 'AMMO' record and/or subrecord: 01002DD7
 eid = u'000EbonyArrowFire'
 subrecord = 'DEST'
 subrecord size = 8
 file pos = 2933
Error in Lexyrex - Magic Arrow.esp


Please tell me anything else to include that might help solve the problem. Also, can I ask how to install mods using the actual Wrye Smash. I know it includes placing them in the file that appears in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common" after downloading the program, but are there any additional steps?


Many thanks,



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Uninstall the listed mods according to the mod authors instructions. Read the readmes and discussion threads for the mods. Apply fix from mod author if one is listed, or try reinstalling one at a time according to mod authors instruction, running BOSS to make sure you have the correct load and playing to test for any problems order after each
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Also, using NMM to download is almost always the best way to install a mod.

The file path you listed may also be wrong. It is most likely (after you unzip) Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim/data

But you don't have to worry about that if you download through NMM

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Ok, but what is this error. I'm pretty sure something is going wrong that isn't supposed to be. Of course, I could find the incompatible mods by hand but with over 90 mods that is quite time consuming. I want to find out how to do it with the software.
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Iagree, something is wrong that shouldn't be. This is 99 percent due to a mistake you have made somewhere along the way. Don't feel bad, it is something we all do from time to time.

However, there is no easy fix, and no one can solve it for you. There is no magic software that is going to do that. Every time you add a mod it increases the risk of there being an issue, that is just the price you pay for getting to do so much with the creative efforts of a lot of talented people.


However, your error report does reference specific mods, I would start there. If you have incorrectly manually installed your mods, that could be the problem. Did you use something like 7zip to extract the files before you placed them? Did you actually place them where you listed, or in the data folder where they belong? Have you downloaded and run BOSS or Wrye Bash to check the order, and hand placed the mods that are not recognized with similar mods? Have you removed the specific mods that are referenced by the the error report and attempted to install them using NMM's automatic download option? If you have 90 mods and your report only lists those few, then it may only be those few that need your attention.


After all of that, if you don't want to remove all ninety mods, work backwards from the most recently added mods, uninstalling exactly according to the mod author's instructions and then test to see if it works. If not, move to the next on the list. You may or may not get down to your last mod this way. If you added them all manually and made the same mistake with all of them, you probably will have to uninstall and reinstall all of them. To avoid future errors, you may find using autodownload through NMM to be much more convenient as well as better at helping you avoid user errors. In addition, running BOSS after each addition and testing the game may seem time-consuming, but it may save you from similar frustrating situations.

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Yes, and I am saying that Wrye Bash is identifying errors with several specific mods, which it lists. You have indicated that you manually installed these mods, and provided a install path that would result in the incorrect installment of mods.


Wrye Bash is telling you that they are not correctly installed, but it cannot fix this for you. You will need to reinstall the mods correctly. For this I recommended using NMM as it decreases the likelihood of an incorrect install location. There is nothing in Wrye Bash that can locate incorrectly installed files and install them correctly for you.

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Ok, I am afraid that we are not communicating well at all. When you listed your install path, I thought you were saying that that is where you manually placed your mods. Was that just a guess at where you thought they were, because if they are not actually in the data folder they will not work, and that could cause the problem you are describing.


The error log is telling you that there are specific errors that are preventing specific mods from loading. The easiest way to address this is to remove said mods. YOu can use Wrye Bash to load instead, but in either case my recommendation to you is to remove the mods that are listed as having errors, according to the mod authors instructions, and reinstall with one or the other program.


If you want to know more about Wrye BAsh, TESV has a web page, even though it is for Oblivion, it is still very useful.


TESV Wiki Wrye ABash Help


Overclock.net has a skyrim-specific pageon Wrye BAsh and NMM



Here is a recent NMM forum discussion with very helpful and specific instructions:



I hope you find one of those links has the information that you seek.

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