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Activation of a actor


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Thanks, but problem is I would like to use this event in quest script. Question is can I do that somehow or is it that it must be in the script applied to a specffic actor? In other words how to do it technically so it triggers when any actor is being activated or at least any unique actor because in fact only those actors interest me (I want the Player to learn the scent of any unique actor).


The problem whether the Player has already activated the actor is a simple one (well perhaps not as simple but it can be conquered). You must create a list of actors in quest script to write every actor activated by the player and simply check the list during every onactivate event.

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Uhm...i'm really not sure about this, but let me guess.


You may create an alias using "matching reference", and condition it with "IsUniqueActor", or any condition you want that will cover the field you need.


Then you may tag "closest" and "in loaded area". So the story mananger should fill the alias with the nearest object that matches conditions.


Then you would apply the script on the alias.

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Alright, bou please explain to me if I follow your advice the alisa will be upadated every frame. I mean Im moving, other actors are moving. How can I be sure that the script is applied to an actor that is the closest to the player supposing I tagged the alias as closest and in loaded area?
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