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Wearing hat on shoulder

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I took a basic Old Cowboy Hat and created a new form with higher DT. I made no other changes. For some reason, when I picked it up and put it on, it was sitting on it's side on my left shoulder instead of on my head. Is there something that can be done to correct that ??


I was actually looking to see if I could make one with higher DT and allows an increased carry weight but I have no clue how to give it the ability to increase the carry weight so I tried just increasing the DT. Can't use it anyway with it sitting on my shoulder like that.




Edited by Bl00dSpatt3R
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Any time you create a new headgear form in the GECK, you have to go back with FNVEdit and manually add in the data for it that the GECK leaves out.


Run FNVEdit and load your plugin. Find your item and look for a subrecord called MODD - FaceGen Model Flags under the Male biped model heading. It will be greyed out, because the data does not exist.

Right-click the field and select "Add." FNVEdit will pop up a warning if this is the first edit to the plugin. The entry will turn black to indicate that it exists, but it is still blank. Right-click it again and select "Edit." A text box will pop up, and you want to enter the numeral "1" into the box and click Ok.

The subrecord field should now read "Head." Close FNVEdit and it will ask you about saving your changes, etc.


It seems like a chore, but this is the easy way to go about it. Thankfully, the GECK won't remove the FaceGen model flag if you make changes to the item later; it just doesn't add the flag like it should for new items.

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Good one Cyberlazy. Thanks for the laugh. ;D


Thank you luthienanarion. I appreciate your willingness to try to help.


Please excuse my ignorance. This will be the first time I've ever used FNVEdit. I guess I should be thankful that it's something that seems fairly simple.


OK........I've found "MODD - FaceGen Model Flags" under Male biped model. Only thing is, I'm not getting an option to click "Add" when right-clicking on it. All I get is, "Move up", "Move down", "Hide no conflict rows" and some column width options. Am I doing something wrong ?

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Got it. :) It's sitting where it's supposed to be now. On my head. ;)


Thank you VERY much luthienanarion. Your assistance with this issue is greatly appreciated.


Now, if I could just figure out how to add Effects and Attributes :whistling:



Take Care

Happy Modding





I'm experiencing a crash when trying to open FOMM for Fallout 3. It works fine for FNV though.


I've been using NMM for FO3 since that started but I would like to have the FOMM features.


I tried Gopher's tutorial on how to fix it after opening both FOMM and NMM for the same game at the same time---which is what I think I did :wallbash: ---but that didn't fix it.


I'm curious if deleting AppData/Local/FOMM could correct this issue or if it would just cause more problems.

Edited by Bl00dSpatt3R
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@ luthienanarion


Could you send me a PM and go into more detail ?


I want to make sure I'm following you clearly before I proceed with trying this. I wouldn't want to mess anything up with all the mods I have. Especially with New Vegas. My .esm/.esp index is currently at 95. Starting over would be a pain.



Thank You,

Take Care

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