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Killmove glitch/bug


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Now this is rather recent, but it appears I cannot kill with the killmove screens with melee weapons. I can still kill with magic and bows. Pretty much what happens is that whenever the kill or death move camera operates I'll hear (not see) a stab motion, but the opponent is still alive and you can do this again and again and again and it really raises up your single or two-handed skill quite proficiently, but you cannot kill the target and it doesn't matter what the target is... be it bandits, common people, guards, vampires, or regular monsters such as bears, spiders, or mud crabs.



I thought it might have to do with the mods I had installed, so I uninstalled them, same problem. I reinstalled the same game, same problems. So I don't know what's up. I do know I did install quite a lot of mods at one particular point of time and I didn't notice this problem until I installed certain multi-follower mods (those that go over a hundred followers) and uninstall certain idle mods, in particular the ones that make your characters dance via a spell.




It appears I also have a problem with the NPC AI, I've seen this in particular at Helgen in which the imperial temporary follower you pick up from the near start of the game just run into a door and when you open the door, he'll bypass the first set of Stormcloaks you see and into the wall in the next room, the one that proceeds to a stairway. I've tried hitting him, blasting him with some flames, does nothing. I'm not sure if it is relevant, but it has been bugging me quite a lot. He still seems to accompany you after you leave Helgen.

Edited by Cridel
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I have had this issue too. Anytime I get close to killing someone in close range, they seem to turn off the kill move camera and get a hit in, not taking any damage. I did this for a long time (repeatedly getting cut off kill-moves) with a hagraven until randomly she died at a point when I did not hit her - it was like she wasn't processing for 5 minutes and then finally realized I killed her 3-5 times over and died.
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I have had this issue too. Anytime I get close to killing someone in close range, they seem to turn off the kill move camera and get a hit in, not taking any damage. I did this for a long time (repeatedly getting cut off kill-moves) with a hagraven until randomly she died at a point when I did not hit her - it was like she wasn't processing for 5 minutes and then finally realized I killed her 3-5 times over and died.


So what is your suggestion of what I should do where the problem may lie in at, because I didn't have this problem before until I had removed an idle mod and installed a plus 100 follower mod, but the problem still persists even after I installed a fresh new game from scratched. Literally, re-installed from scratch.

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So I have 2 computers with Skyrim on steam that I switch back and forth because one's for modding, one's for gameplay. My modding one, I added "participate in beta" to get the beta update - however, on my gaming computer, it had already been checked so immediately when I started my game, it complained about needing to update - however! I don't know how to update it now because it thinks it is up to date and updates automatically.


So I chalked it up to that and I'm waiting on the next update so it figures out it's not up to date.


I didn't install any new mods or do anything differently - it started up after the beta update (or lack of beta update with a save with the beta update)

Edited by Cynster
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I have this problem too. Kill cam with melee weapons do not initiate. Also many quests are broken due to lack of AI. This happened since I installed the new beta update. The one with mounted combat. Unfortunately my whole save relies on that update and cannot turn it off. Do any of you have the beta update installed?
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