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Everything posted by wendera

  1. Here's something I've wanted since the game came out: using the Take All option on a companion's inventory doesn't take their currently equipped gear as well. There's gotta be a way to do that with f4se
  2. Typing in 'setstage mq207 200' should fix your problem.
  3. Crap, I kinda liked the godrays :/
  4. Okay, so I haven't managed to duplicate this issue. There also doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the folder structure that NMM would mess up. Since your gun is completely invisible, it's likely your computer/game setup just doesn't like the new mesh. My guess is that there's a tiny issue with new original meshes at this moment in modding that doesn't agree with some PCs because I've had a similar issue with a new hair mesh causing my entire character to disappear. Maybe someone has a better answer though :/
  5. Windows 7 supports 4.6. Have you not installed any service packs or something?
  6. What mod is it? I'm assuming it's on the nexus
  7. Do you mean just the display is upside down or everything is upside down (pipboy, arms, etc)? Because when everything is upside down it's an FOV issue that you can fix by opening up the console and changing the fov to something above 90.
  8. Okay, so uninstalling Kat's hairstyles seems to have fixed this issue.
  9. Not 100% sure what you think you're missing, but all the vanilla textures/meshes/etc and such are in the ba2 files. The only reason you'd have materials/meshes/sound/etc folders is if you'd installed mods. As for the gun, have you gotten other mods to work? Sounds like you might have put the files in the wrong folder or you haven't edited your ini file to enable mods.
  10. Funny, I have the opposite problem more often than dogmeat getting in the way. I'll talk to him to try and trade things and he runs away before I can open the menu and I have to chase his ass halfway across the area x.x You can command him to get out of your way without mods. Just talk to him and then shift your camera away. It will give you the option to send him over to whatever area of ground you're looking at. You can also make him pick up stuff for you. All companions will do this.
  11. The launcher will disable your mods. Open the fallout4.exe directly or use f4se.
  12. My character is just randomly disappearing in 3rd person POV as I walk around. She'll stay invisible for a minute or two before popping back into existence. She's actually invisible as in no clothes or anything and not due to a stealth effect. Her mesh is still being registered because I can bump into things as I walk around blindly. This is my 5th playthrough that I just started and I've never had this issue before. Here's my load order if it will help: Anyone else have this issue??
  13. Any chance someone can make a mod where Shaun's eye and skin color isn't based off of your character? Maybe like a default appearance or he only looks like your spouse? I did a face swap with the ripper to see if that would override it, but didn't really work: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v435/wendera_jade/ad1c35a2-7eeb-4548-8f0f-d1b7fea1f813_zpsbheeen8a.png Since it's dynamic, it might be creation kit only, but I'm hoping that there's just a value somewhere in his entry that can be changed with FO4edit.
  14. Well, this cascade failure was caused 60 years before the Sole Survivor wakes up and the rest of the people were never re-frozen and they suffocated. So, reviving them seems impossible. Although, their bodies are fairly well preserved.
  15. Seeing as the game only has binary genders, this mod would be kind of impossible. There are already homosexual marriage mods that you can use and headcanon with. I'm not exactly sure what race and personality have to do with pansexuality???
  16. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1597/? It's a replacer.
  17. Hey, there is a mod somewhere in my gihugeous override folder that made the blush change to eyeshadow around the inner corners of the eye and I have no idea what it is. Does anyone know? Or does anyone know what the texture file or whatever remaps the makeup area is called so I can search for it? EDIT: NM! I found it. It's uh_hed_maka_0t. ^-^
  18. *looks around* Dude, he just disappeared like a ninja o.o
  19. Hi, just here for some stalking~
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zeroxee


      Having the DVD of the season helps ^^
    3. zeroxee


      Wait... are you talking about the game or serie?
    4. wendera


      I was talking about the series but NOW YOU REMINDED ME MY PS3 IS IN ANOTHER COUNTRY AND I CAN'T PLAY THE GAME EITHER!!! I only played the first two episodes T.T
  21. Never can tell, can you~ ;)
  22. Wow, I totally turned a two sentence answer into a mini-story. I think the amount of time it takes me to click each letter gives my brain time to continuously think of new crap to 'click out.'
  23. Birthday?! If it is then Yay happy Birthday!
  24. Can't wait for The Walking Dead!!
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