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SKSE installed but not scripts?


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I tried to manually install skse manually by copying everything but the folders to the same folder as TESV.exe. Then I tried to install skyUI using the mod organizer and it says that skse was installed but the scripts weren't installed with it.


I'm really not sure where to go from here and would greatly appreciate some help. Also would like general guidance to get to the point I can add mods freely as well as manage them in game.

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Mod Organizer is a mod manager like Nexus Mod Manager, Wyre Bash and Vortex. These allow you to install, uninstall and change order among other things. Unless you intend to install every mod manually, you will need one of these tools to manage the files associated with each mod.


MCM is a Mod Configuration Menu system provided by SkyUI in-game. It allows you to set various options for the mods that have a menu. Not all mods will have a menu. You only NEED this if you have a mod that requires it. However, it is part of SkyUI and if you are using SkyUI... you will need it.

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