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Help! Annoying Blur!


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Played a heavily modded ENB FO4 many months ago with zero problems.


With the upcoming release of FO76, I decided to dust off FO4 and have some fun.

I did the usual maintenance before jumping in the game - updating MODs, etc.


So what happens?!? I get in the game and I am immediately accosted by a side-line blur. AND when I walk it looks slightly out of focus too.



See?!? Its annoying as all hell!


I did a Google search and tried every suggestion to fix the issue and got no where.


AFAIK all my DOF settings in the ini files are set to zero. Turned off TAA and tried FXX.


Here is some further information:


Settings: Ultra

ENB: NMM -Vivid

Card: Nvidia 1080

Ram 16 GB


Please for the love of Piper I need some serious help cause I really want to play FO4 but cannot. :sad:


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Go here: C:\Users\Your Computer Name\Documents\My Games\Fallout4


Ctrl + F (bScreenSpaceBokeh=1) - Change to 0


If using ENB:


Go to fallout 4 root folder - Open enbseries.ini - scroll down until you find this (EnableDepthOfField=true) - change to false


if Using Reshade:


Go to fallout 4 root folder - double click on Reshade Folder - Double Click on *McFx* - Ctrl + F (USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 1) Change to 0


Note: Pressing Ctrl + F = Search / Find


Note: bDoDepthOfField (In fallout4prefs.ini) is not for depth of field, it is the blur effect you get when using the pipboy (technically it is depth of field, but only when the pipboy is open), disabling this will allow you to see clearly when using the pipboy, but will disable underwater effects.


Screenspacebokeh is the proper depth of field that fallout 4 uses.


all of the above completely disables depth of field, the focus affect you are referring to

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