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Old World Blues Expanded


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I certainly like the direction you are taking, the visual difference between marks is something that bothers me as well, i dl'd Philekos Hi-Res Securitron Retexture Optional USSR and US-Ar and Retextured Securitrons by Machienzo and merged the textures for the various models of securitrons in my game (Machienzo's i use for the ones in the mojave, the Philekos green for the upgraded ones in the vault thingy, the clean blu for the ones in lucky38 and merged texture i did using theirs as bases for the various marks, each mk using a different color set [blue, green, black] in OWB). I think it definitely adds something to owb when the securitron models are distinct from one another.


I honestly never noticed that there were different protectrons, so a visual cue would certainly be nice.


Personally I love the atmosphere in owb, and think it expands the feel of the 'retro-future' of Fallout wonderfully. Going over the top with it is exactly what i'd love to see (obviously, within the 'style' confines it brings, since while i'm not a 'lore' nut, i don't use super high speed uber tactical m16s or bikini armor in my build for the game [well, i use Belly Dance Dresses - Type 3 by kungfubellydancer to replace the outfits in Gomorrah but, to me that fits thematically]).


For clarification, i run the Mad Science mod and Robco Certified, with customised textures on a lot of the stuff to get the 'feel' of the old 'Sci-Fi Matinees'. Something that i think Fallout comes close to, but until owb hadn't really been hit right since old games like 'Rocket Ranger' or movies like 'Rocketeer' though, Bioshock does a good job of it I prefer RPGs to FPSs.


I look forward to you posting Beta 2 very much!

Edited by Hengebobs
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Personally I love the atmosphere in owb, and think it expands the feel of the 'retro-future' of Fallout wonderfully. Going over the top with it is exactly what i'd love to see (obviously, within the 'style' confines it brings,

Something very quintessentially fallout about OWB :smile:


I look forward to you posting Beta 2 very much!

But you can take an active role as well. Even if you don't have any 3D modeling, geck or related modding skills, you can help with ideas. And it sounds like you have a great handle on the character of the mod. Plus I'll take a great idea over flash nif's or special effects any day. So feel free to contribute, it will make for a richer mod.

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  • 2 months later...

not to be rude, but have there been any updates on this? I'm quite interested in what you are doing


No, not rude at all Mercilessfool. OWB really captured my imagination too, so I totally understand wanting to quest there some more. I'll send you an update to the most recent beta Sunday. But in the meantime feel free to add any suggestions you'd like to see.




not to be rude, but have there been any updates on this? I'm quite interested in what you are doing

  Like the independent vegas thread, this is dead





This thread isn't dead, nor is the Independent New Vegas thread. On the most recent page (of the NV thread) I had explained that I was burying a friend and helping her family, so I wouldn't have as much time to mod for a while. But then Kingwilfre16 should know that since he is a contributor of the thread. The fact that I answered a question in the thread a few days ago would be a good indicator that the thread isn't dead. Another would be that I responded to his statement 4 days ago wherein he claimed you should get NCR fame for killing General Oliver.


Unfortunately Kingwilfre16 made some ill informed statements (like the NCR is more like Rome than the Legion) and I corrected him (without getting personal). However he seems to have taken offense and gone into full butt monkey mode, editing his posts and making obviously incorrect statements like the one above.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a great idea. Some of the most fun I had with Fallout was playing through the DLC with a new, low-level character (on hard core mode, to boot), and would enjoy a reason to do so again (at least with OWB, which I found to be the most enjoyable). There's something about OWB, with it's otherworldly color scheme and atmosphere, and the way The Sink functions as this central hub; you load up with as much water and ammo as you can carry, then head out on a mission, crossing your fingers that you will make it back in one piece.


Anyway, my apologies if this was already mentioned in the thread, but one area that seems (perhaps obviously so) ripe for expansion is that Y-0 Research Center - the one with the trucks blocking the entrance. As I recall, the door is marked "inaccessible." If climbing over the trucks revealed a hole in the door, you could do something with that. Maybe even a quest to find a battery and enough gas to actually drive the truck away (or roll it a few feet)... I don't have any specific ideas beyond that, although I get this creepy visual of a dark lobby just full of semi-docile, semi-feral ghouls - like scientists and researchers and other personnel who were trapped inside since the bombs fell. At any rate, that's another area to open up.


Well, forgive my useless post. Just wanted to say that this is a cool project!


(And my condolences on your loss.)

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This is a great idea. Some of the most fun I had with Fallout was playing through the DLC with a new, low-level character (on hard core mode, to boot), and would enjoy a reason to do so again (at least with OWB, which I found to be the most enjoyable). There's something about OWB, with it's otherworldly color scheme and atmosphere, and the way The Sink functions as this central hub; you load up with as much water and ammo as you can carry, then head out on a mission, crossing your fingers that you will make it back in one piece.


I couldn't agree more, it's a great DLC with infinite potential.


Anyway, my apologies if this was already mentioned in the thread, but one area that seems (perhaps obviously so) ripe for expansion is that Y-0 Research Center - the one with the trucks blocking the entrance. As I recall, the door is marked "inaccessible." If climbing over the trucks revealed a hole in the door, you could do something with that. Maybe even a quest to find a battery and enough gas to actually drive the truck away (or roll it a few feet)... I don't have any specific ideas beyond that, although I get this creepy visual of a dark lobby just full of semi-docile, semi-feral ghouls - like scientists and researchers and other personnel who were trapped inside since the bombs fell. At any rate, that's another area to open up.

That sounds like a great idea iprefernes, thanks, and keep them coming :smile:


Tell me this is being made! I want this mod so badly now!


I do have a lot of assets, but I still feel like I need more ideas. Ideas/plots are what really motivate me to work on a mod, so lets collaborate and put something together worthy of the OWB setting.


Some stuff I have almost ready, so I could potentially release it fairly quickly. Mostly the lightwave research center and new models for encounter lists of the higher level OWB bots.


Also here is a excerpt from a post on teh VivaNV thread where we are also working on expanding OWB;


I'd also like to introduce new sink personalities. They would currently be located in new research facilities, but the idea goes off of the concept that the think tank's later work catered to civilian contracts as well as military (don't remember where I read that, but I'm think it's somewhere in teh wiki). Long story short, consumer projects;

Both a intelligent nuka cola vending machine and a susnet one (they fight like cat's and dogs and will try to draw the courier into their little, convoluted battle of wits/dual to the death). The sunset one has a western accent, and the nuka one will sound like the clips in FO3.


A eat-o-matic 4000, that is a cornucopia of food, but has a dark aspect to it, reflective of soylent green. Having been designed when food was very scarce (the food riots of 2060 & 70's), a unique design function of the unit is the ability to construct various food types by utilizing basic proteins and other building blocks. These basic components can come from almost any source as long as they are complete, including, of course, corpses. The units personality/programming also reflects it's function. It has a morbid curiosity about death, constantly talks about death and all the ways one can die, and will even try to get anyone/thing around it killed (by misdirection, out right lies etc "oh those meds are perfectly safe")


Maybe a pitching machine that likes to pelt the cr*p out of anything that moves and has a baseball announcers voice and mannerisms. Or intelligent, portable laser trip wires that just can't wait to be blown up.....relishing with psychopathic delight their impending fiery immolation. Perhaps intelligent portable turrets with a military personality?


So we'd need new facilities to recover both the new personalities hardware and their tapes. I think using the howitzer or a experiment that goes wrong (and results in a massive explosion) could open up a new path in the cliff exposing a way toward several new facilities.


This will also allow us to work on new themes. One of which should be neural research in regard to the think tank technology itself. Where are the equipment and research that actually removed the brain, constructed the new bot bodies etc. There could be all kinds of neural based tech that could be fun. & I'd like to tie in two new enemies to this particular facility;


My thoughts are that not all lobotomite brains are "whoooshed" down the drain (as Boris would say), but some are kept for experimentation. So we could have a swam of tiny think tanks about the size of an eyebot or smaller (just large enough for the globe to hold a human sized brain). By themselves each is weak, but in a large enough swarm they may be a challenge.


The second would be the very first think tank ever attempted. he's named himself Mortis to reflect his pure focus on revenge. He was the first scientist to undergo the think tank procedure and it was botched.......badly. He's a criminally insane brain in a protoype think tank bot model locked away (shortly after the dust settled) and long ago forgotten by the think tanks. He will be accidentally released by teh courier from his stasis field, escape and begin to implement his plan to destroy the other think tanks in teh most painful way possible. If they are already dead, then he will take his vengeance out on any living thing, but especially the courier (for robbign him of his revenge). He will also control the mini think tank swarms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In some of the terminal entries and other lore, Bi MT was described as a mountain before they blew it up in some experiment. If that was true, I always wondered why there weren't expansive tunnels connecting all the labs and research centers. But that would make it too much like the unpopular metro system from FO3. But it got me thinking, it could have been hollowed out and cavern like seeing as the "school" Borous sends you too is housed in a cave system. Imagine if the whole area of OWB had the skybox changed (is that feasible?) to look like the inside of a cavern/mountain. Maybe with all the wacky science you could travel back in time to Big MT before that experiment and even take part in it. Or maybe it takes lore from the ending dialogue describing how the Courier made sure Big MT's tech and terrors never left the facility. In that case, maybe the new story involves restoring the mountain so no one else could just wonder in and find stuff. Either way, the radar fence can be removed and locations can be added outside the normal area. It doesn't explain what kind of explosion happened so maybe it just teleported the mountain away or to another dimension or whatever and it's possible to reverse it. Maybe the X-17 Meteorological Station can control the weather and temp within the new/old mountain. I'm getting tired of the "new Think Tank" idea. Why not have a human researcher come out of a cry chamber? Or have one that's stayed in an upgraded Trauma Harness to prevent death? Or have him/her uploaded their brain to become an A.I. villain that takes over the Sink and replaces all the old personalities, being sarcastic and taunting the player. Better yet, combine those ideas and have this old scientist in his special suit just interface with a terminal and copy himself to the robots to form a completely loyal army. This new threat forces the Think Tank and Mobius to finally come face to face, having Mobius come clean about the looping programing. This new guy has been silently watching the Mojave wasteland and Big MT, and plans to convert the population into robobrains AND Lobotomites: it's a 2 for 1 special! The Lobotomites as the workforce and Robots as the army. Would it be hard to implement a portion of his starting army as a conversion center in the wasteland? I always wondered if Big MT had weapons larger than the howitzers somewhere. They had to have access to some orbiting satellites that could house them. Maybe part of the quest involves you upgrading the Big MT Transportalponder to take you to that satellite to arm or disarm a laser not unlike Archimedes II. They could be nukes too, or EMP bombs. Maybe this mad doctor's plan is to wipe out all existing tech before strolling in with the new army? Or the X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago could house the weapons and it wouldn't take too much to turn them into silos. If the villain is an A.I. or creates one, part of the quest could be beating him in a simulation of some sort, forcing you to outwit him instead of just outgun. Beating him in the sim gives you the code to arm/disarm/retarget the weapon(s). You should have the option along the way to side with him, take his place, or defeat him maybe being able to choose which allies of the Think Tank to bring with if any. Maybe to beat him you have to implement the Think Tank's orginal plans in the real dlc to retake human bodies.


Story-wise that's all I have for now. New armor could include a Robo-scorpion themed armor, a player upgraded Trauma Harness or maybe a true exo-skeleton that is not too similar to power armor. Would it be possible to make a weapon that can only be used when the armor is equipped like an arm cannon? Maybe an exo-skeleton could be found in parts and assembled, then upgraded? There's so much established lore with implants and stuff that it's baffling to have no visibly apparent changes to the Courier's body with any of them or even the Spine/Brain/Heart-less perks. Could that be rectified? I've always wanted a character that LOOKS like a true cyborg. And OWB is the place to make that happen. For weapons we need weapons that shoot alternate colored plasma. If we can have green, red, and blue lasers, why cant we have plasma counterparts? Tesla Plasma Cannon anyone? And some guns made of Saturnite with Saturnite bullets, with the option of super-heating one or both? Can we have a weapon that shoots saw blades? Or one that fires some kind of toxin or organic matter or acid from the X-22 Botanical Garden or the Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant? These aren't even all my ideas, but if anyone likes these I am more than willing to supply more. I would LOVE to be a part of this project in any way possible. I am even willing to voice/write dialogue for new characters or whatever. If there is ANY way I can contribute more, feel free to let me know. I welcome constructive criticism! Thanks Guys!

Edited by FalloutNINJA101
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Hi FalloutNINJA101, thanks for replying, I greatly appreciate the help. I'm slammed for time, so I might only get to a few of the points you'v mentioned in your post tonight (but no worries, I'll be back to completely address your ideas).



In some of the terminal entries and other lore, Bi MT was described as a mountain before they blew it up in some experiment. If that was true, I always wondered why there weren't expansive tunnels connecting all the labs and research centers. But that would make it too much like the unpopular metro system from FO3. But it got me thinking, it could have been hollowed out and cavern like seeing as the "school" Borous sends you too is housed in a cave system.

Yeah, it's a good point. In the same way as Cheyenne Mountain, I think it would have tunnels and Darkus has thought the same. Although most of it is probably still utility hallways, there would be plenty of subterranean (or previously subterranean) tunnels and caverns.



Imagine if the whole area of OWB had the skybox changed (is that feasible?) to look like the inside of a cavern/mountain.

I'v read a *very* small amount about the skydome, in regard to weather, so really I can only guess. But since there are meshes there (meshes/sky/atmosphere, meshes/sky/stars etc), I'd like to think they could be retextured into a giant cavern. But I think the mountain was blown off so there probably isn't a complete/enclosed top. I don't know if that means some/part sky should be showing through, or the whole thing.



Maybe with all the wacky science you could travel back in time to Big MT before that experiment and even take part in it. Or maybe it takes lore from the ending dialogue describing how the Courier made sure Big MT's tech and terrors never left the facility.

Being a (untrained, uneducated and ill informed) fan of physics I never take time travel plots lightly, but I suppose OWB might be the one place I could make an exception to that rule. I suspect the think tanks have forgotten more science and technology than the world outside will discover for decades or centuries, so who know's what they'r capable of.


OK sorry running out of time here, I'll catch this thread soon though.

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