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some bizzareness with Deadly Reflex 6 beta

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Got a few odd errors in Oblivion while using the Deadly Reflex 6 mod.


one the kicking animations don't seem to work, the cheat console gives out scripting errors when I tried to execute kicks, another bizzare thing is, I did a quick decap on a bandit but the skull crush animation plays instead (I was using a sword and not a mace or hammer)


here's what I get in the console about the scripting errors.


error in script 4a605dd7

invalid array axcess - the array was not initialized

Error in script 4a605dd7

File: Deadly Relfex 6 - Combat Moves.esp Offset: 0x003e Command: Let error in script 4a605dd7


the error repeats up to four times in console, unsure how to resolve this but any advice would be good


thanks in advance

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