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CTD and freezes in wilderness.


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I've had problems for a while, but recently I've had more. After spending hours upon hours searching for an answer, I decided to bother you guys with it and hope for help.


I run many mods, and change them often, but I uninstalled and re-downloaded the game from scratch and it hasn't fixed the problem. I have been using process explorer to get this information, but I'm kinda new and might be drawing bad conclusions.


I play for a varied amount of time before I either CTD or the game freezes and need to Ctrl-Alt-Delete to end. It seems to happen around the riverwood area consistantly, so I saved in Falkreath and rode a horse towards riverwood. (past the big lake and standing stones.)


I got to the camp fire at the gate at farthest. I then checked and saw it crashed on loading sounds.bsa. I have seen that happen often in the past when I try and figure out a crash, but have no idea what to do about it. It seems skyrim - sounds.bsa is my problem, but I'm unsure if that's right and how to fix it.


I'll upload a list of current mods if you want, but I change them out constantly and it hasn't mattered CTD wise.


Thanks for any help I receive.

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Have you used/been using Sounds of Skyrim, or any other sound mod?


I haven't for about a month an a half because it was causing crashes. The only mods I can think of the affect sound are improved combat sounds and silent killer. (Removes the sound effect from a sneak attack.) but I don't see how either of those would come into play as my crashes don't happen in or near combat exclusively.


It might be the problem though, I'll test it out without them and edit this. Thanks.


Edit: Removing them seems to fix the sounds.bsa causing a crash, but now everytime I get near riverwood I crash. I've uploaded a CSV log from process monitor if you want to see it. I'm also using beta 1.6, but these had been happening before I switched in hopes of bug-fixes. I can't attach it to this post so it's at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AjxNeVqenOR0dHBRcGNLVTV6UnRXUEpTZWQwYUlCQUE&output=html

Note, this is the last part of the log, because the extra detail would add un-necessary length I think. I can re-do it and include the whole thing if you want. I'll also upload my list of plug-ins if you want.

Edited by ElliotSternberg
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I am having a very similar issue. If you come up with any thing, please let me know.


Here is my post from another board:


So here's the deal, for the last couple of days, ever ytime I am on the road between Honningbrew Meadery and Valtheim towers, about a little less than half-way to the tower, my game freezes...completely. The only way out is to ctrl-alt-del and bring up the task manager (which shows Skyrim - Not responding). This happens on any character, existing or new. With mods and without, with ENB and without etc etc. I have tried everything I can think of, but no luck. I have not made any changes lately that would cause this. As a side note, it happens occasionally outside of Riverwood (the guardian stone side), and occasionally in other random spots, like outside Windhelm once in awhile, but not EVERY time like the other spot.


I have a pretty nice system too and run the game between 45-50 FPS most times, with HD textures and on ultra settings. Turning those down does not help either. Here's what I use:


Windows 7 64 bit

i5 2500k @3.7 GHz

16 MB of Corsair Vengeance RAM

AMD 6950 HIS IceQ Turbo w/2 GB of VRAM

Gigabyte Z68-UD3H-B3 MB

850W Coolermaster PS

Intel 120 GB SSD


Still using version 1.5 of Skyrim. Thinking about trying the 1.6 Beta to see if that does anything.


If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. It's getting very frustrating. Please help!


PS, have tried things like Gamebooster too, but that does nothing.

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