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Cant see under water


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here i can when hovering above water







once i go below my vision shits the bed.











/\ this "fix" didnt work. seems this gltich happened out of no where.


only mods i got recently were hourse armours. monsters of skyrim. conjuring for those monsters. and a think that makes shields go on peoples backs.


i am using a lighting mod but ive had it no problem for a pretty long time.


so wtf.


my mods



Edited by DestructioOverdrive
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Are you using any water enhancement mod?

try moving the green water fix esp on the load order, go last middle and top just to test.

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I have a water mod and the green water fix mod. occasionally my water will do the same thing. You may try loading a previously saved game to see if the issue is still there. Or delete the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and renderinfo files that are located in mydocuments/skyrim folder. Any issues i normally have are resoved this way. Back up the ini files before deleting just in case. When you launch skyrim those files will be recreated. You may also look in the skyrim/data folder for any ini files that may have been created. Just suggestions you could try.

but I would move around the load order first like bogger46 suggested.

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