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Secret Dragon in Blackreach


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I didn't know this. I've logged over 1000 hours and I'm on my 6th play through and didn't know about this dragon. Very cool.


hah same here :O...and i was posting about how ive done essentialy everything not 1 minute ago xDD....time to go find me a cave dragon!

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Yeah there's 1000 things to do and find, and it seems (almost) every time you turn around someone has found another one, but as pointed out earlier their is 10,000 stories that Bethesda only half told or didn't tell at all! ...


What Bethesda (not Bethesda Game Studio's, but the parent company) really need to do is license TES and Skyrim and give the real tools to other developers/companies to make small/medium sized DLC packs for this game ... Imagine all the 15367 requests for this or that story/group/faction/character extended mods that could be fulfilled!

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Yeah there's 1000 things to do and find, and it seems (almost) every time you turn around someone has found another one, but as pointed out earlier their is 10,000 stories that Bethesda only half told or didn't tell at all! ...


What Bethesda (not Bethesda Game Studio's, but the parent company) really need to do is license TES and Skyrim and give the real tools to other developers/companies to make small/medium sized DLC packs for this game ... Imagine all the 15367 requests for this or that story/group/faction/character extended mods that could be fulfilled!


That would probably put and end to mods. Even if Bethesda still allowed them, can you imagine the number of mod conflicts when there are other developers popping areas in all over the place?

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I expected the shatter to glass and unleash the dragon improsined inside, but instead it appeared from nowhere and landed to fight several Falmers and their servants. Good job, Bethesda.
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I expected the shatter to glass and unleash the dragon improsined inside, but instead it appeared from nowhere and landed to fight several Falmers and their servants. Good job, Bethesda.


It`s not imprisoned inside. The orb is more like a big gong that rings out a dragon call. Here`s a wiki link

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People used to ooh and ahh all over the PS3 board about how cool Blackreach is, but this was one of my biggest complaints. It's huge and empty, devoid of anything. There's no story background to explain anything outside of the nirnroot quest. Why is the dragon there? Why do the falmer have servants? Why is there that huge room that looks like the Falmer are giving a lecture?


I'd like to know about those servants too. I once went wandering around that whole underground city and kept popping up in random locations. I kept thinking I'd walk through a door and come out in one of those locked Dwemer lifts scattered all over the surface but I kept coming out again in Blackreach. There seemed to be no end of falmer and servants everywhere. I wonder if they built all that for a questline but abandoned it before they could flesh it out? Or maybe it was part of the Thieves Guild quests but got cut out later?

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