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independent, immersive dragon system


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The only time you see dragons is when they guard a location or are about to kill you.

I think this is not enough!


Basically i propose that we make a few dragons in the world spawn and fly set flight paths across skyrim.

This would basically make dragons visible far in the distance, travelling over mountains and soaring high above and far away.

The eye candy would be spectacular!! Can you imagine?!


You leave whiite run, you hear a tiny far away cry of a dragon, look around and you can see it miles away. happily flying and minding its own business!

If skyrim were real you would be able to see dragons do this, so its a perfect mod for realism.

Also if you love hunting dragons like me, its great to be able to track where they are flying to and try and intercept them.


Dragons will of course respawn and there are lots of paths in which they will fly.

Im no modder but this would be epic dont you agree?

Edited by Salusasecondus
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hmmm... I am no expert but I think it can be done, setting a couple of dragons per cell and having them fly around from a spot to a spot, while I could probably do it I am to busy, maybe in a couple of months I'll get into it and make it-or you can learn it yourself as it does seem really simple even though it is tedious.
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