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Irritating Spell-like Flashing after installing new mods.


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Hey guys and gals. I'm having some issues with my Oblivion game thats started happening recently.


I just got through installing Ren's Beuty Pack, Capucine's Aquamer Race, Chingari & Ismelda's Demon Race (with Abb1t's Hirez Skin Textures), Desire Demon, DorkDiva's Dragon Elves, Dread Elf, Trazeri Dremora, Spencer's Tiny Faries, Oldwolf58's Mature Spriggan, Yam's Spriggan race, and Ahtata's Orc Replacer.


One of these mods, while not messing up, or causing huge problems, is causing an annoyance. After I installed all these mods and started testing the new species I noticed that my character and any other character I came across would give off an almost blinding, Fire colored, Spell-like flash that covers the body for a second or 2. This irritates the heck out of me and I can't figure out which of the new mods, if any, is causing this problem.


All I know is that this didn't happen until after I installed these mods, and it doesn't effect just one species. If anybody knows whats going on, and how to fix it, i'd really appreciate it...... Or atlest dull the flashing's brightness down where the screen doesn't light up, lol.

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One of the problems with installing a whole whack of mods and then testing is the situation you've found yourself in ... which of the dozen mods I added is causing the problem? Generally speaking, if you add one mod and thoroughly test, if it causes problems you can tell which mod caused it pretty easily. Many fall into the trap of thinking things will just work out and a whole bunch of time will be saved. Doesn't always turn out like that.


Now you're at the point of deciding do you uninstall one mod at a time until the problem disappears, or use the uninstall half and see if the problem disappears method. I'm sure neither answer is what you were hoping for.


- Edit - I seem to have some vague recollection of a problem report like your's, and I can't be sure or say why but I have an equally vague feeling it was related to an Ahtata mod ... if you wanted to start there.

Edited by Striker879
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