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Fallout4 random crashes with no information


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Hey, I been playing Fallout4 for over a year, but not so much the last few months cuz everytime I try to play, if I'm trying to do stuff in the Wastelands game crashes in maximum 5mins,

I can only stay inside Vault 88 for a long time but after like 30mins it crashes...
Even tho my pc doesn't have the requirements it never gave me much trouble playing aparts from a little lag after the loadings(Guess thats normal)
I got the game almost complete, Was finishing the Nuka Cola quests when this started to happen, I didn't change anything in the game nor in my pc, any ideas in how I can fix this?
Tried Re-installing, starting new save none worked.

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You said " tried re-installing, starting new save" … did you start a new game from scratch and update all of your mods ( what mod program are you using ? ) or went back to previous saved game ? You are not giving much information so we cannot figure out how to help you, too vague !

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Based on what you said, it's possible the game got updated because of CC and now some of your mods don't quite line up. NMM should warn you about those.


Make sure you clean the plugins LOOT tells you to, with the exception of those the mod authors warn you not to clean.


Make sure you've taken care of post-LOOT sorting in Wrye, as LOOT is not the end-all of sorting.


Make sure you have merged and bashed patches.


Feel free to use my player modding guide linked in my sig.


Best of luck. :-)

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