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Skyrim crashes computer...please help


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I just put together my first computer and it runs everything perfect and as it should (from at least what I can tell). Starcraft runs on Ultra settings, Left 4 Dead 2 runs on maxed, Minecraft runs fine, Diablo, etc... Then it comes to Skyrim... I download the game just fine on Steam, and get to the menu where it tells me that my recommended settings are Ultra high detail. Then when I go to hit "play," the menu closes and the screen remains on my desktop while it looks as if it's trying to start the program. Seconds after, my mouse freezes and my computer is totally inaccessible. I have to restart it and then everything works fine again.

I've looked at tons of stuff on the internet but nothing covering quite this. I've tried reinstalling (three times) all deleting the folders within Steam. I also tried switching my audio output to it's lowest settings (someone said it would work...it didn't).

If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd be greatly appreciative!




i-5 2500k

ASUS Radeon HD 7850

Corsair 500W 80+ PSU


ASRock Z77 Pro 4 Mobo

2TB Harddrive

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So congrats on building your first computer, that's cool.

How much VRAM on your hard drive?


Has it crashed since day one, you've never gotten it to work? Or was there a time (on this computer) that it did?

Do you have any mods installed, if so have you run BOSS to make sure the load order is optimal?

If you do have mods, if you list them, someone might be able to point out something that could be causing the crash.

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