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Modding Resource 2


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RoyalPredator - nope it wasn't you or your pm - no worries :) No one's bugging me or anything. I just have a lot on my plate right now and it wouldn't be fair to put my name out there just to say no/not reply when people ask.
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I just wanted to be sure, as being on the list does not mean you HAVE to work on mods. Reason your on the list is because your able and willing. some few people may think your being paid and have to work on their mods :psyduck: specially even if they do not pay nor do I pay anyone :confused:


I am just paranoid of it occurring so I will ask that to everyone who wants off the list in case of this kind of problem :wink:

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  • 8 months later...

This thread can still be useful, if I have to double post to keep it alive. but best I can do is make the double post meaningful in some way.

Lately I am planing / going to assist Unique Beast Races, the mod will be giving the beast digitigrade legs. It is in alpha and though not complete and only one armor converted to fit it looks great. [uBR LINK]

lets bring back this thread and Project Resource. it can be really great source for those wanting a foot in the door in the modding scene, or a mod project needing help getting that talent that it needs and getting noticed is a good way for it!


I wish the moderators would consider stickying this. perhaps I must prove I am serious about keeping this thread going. Challenge is accepted :)

Edited by strazytski
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