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How do I make new crafting recipes?


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I'm roleplaying as a staunch Stormcloak supporter, a guy who wants to wear the Stormcloak cuirass all the time. The problem is, from a gameplay standpoint, Stormcloak armor is pretty crap.


So I'm currently in the process of designing my own mod, which creates new versions of the Stormcloak Cuirass. I copy the Stormcloak Cuirass into new forms, so I can retain the appearance of the armor. However, these new armors have the same weight, value, and armor rating of elven, scaled, glass, and dragonscale armors respectively.


So now, all I have to do is create new recipes at the tanning rack so I can swap out the base armors for their Stormcloak-skinned counterparts.


But I can't figure out where the recipes are located in the creation kit.


So where are they located?


Also, how do I assign the armors so that they can be improved at the workbench using a moonstone, corundum ingot, glass ingot, and dragon scale respectively, just like their non-reskinned counterparts?

Edited by stebbinsd
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Recipes are technically called Constructible Objects and should be listed under that. In xEdit (TES, SSE, whichever) they will be listed under COBJ.


Tempering is also done via recipes. All the base game tempering recipes should have the word Temper in the name. Take a look at how some of them are done to see how to set yours up.

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Thanks for the help. So I have a few follow-up questions.


1. When I went into the tanning rack in-game, I noticed that every new recipe I created was all in one list, alongside the leather and leather strip recipes. I would ideally prefer to create sub-menus for my recipes. How do I do that?


2. How do I assign these new armors so that their tempering at the workbench is augmented by the appropriate perks (elven smithing, glass smithing, etc.)?


3. How do I make it so that I can wear these new Stormcloak armors alongside the elven/glass/dragonscale helmets, gauntlets, and boots, and acquire a "matching set" bonus?

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What? You can't just answer the questions yourself?!

First of all, those tutorials explain what you need to do to take care of points 1 & 2. Why should I type out an answer when it is already written out in a much clearer fashion?

Second of all, I have no clue about the Matching Set perk and how to make gear work with it. I have some guesses based on stuff I read from a google search, but that is it. No point in giving potentially incorrect information. Certainly wouldn't want anyone to get mad at me for giving them bad info...

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