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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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I have to say a monster that is a little scary would have to be a goblin. They look so small and not very strong, but then they start clubbing you or slashing you with their weapons which look like wood but actually do a bit o damage. After you think they are about to die they somehow use a health potion and heal themeselves completely. I say nuke the whole of mournehold's sewers and get it over with.
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Imagine walking in a dark tomb corridor, suddenly you hear a loud moan just behind your back! You turn around and see a huge rotten bonewalker cursing you! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

That's scary...

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The scariest thing that ever I did stumble across...Was a scrib.I swear to god i'm heading to pelagiad after getting released (First time playing TES:3) and I see this little...Bug I think heh don't things like that have things you can sell so I think I will kill it *Starts running"YYYYYAAAARRRRR! with iron saber-----gloog"

A Freaking paralyze spell the little thing paralyzed me.

I keep my distance from scrib to this day......


The second scariest thing was when I was doing the Raven rock quests and about 4 quests after the umm Spriggan thing I walked out of the bar and see a spriggan about 4 buildings down I think heh This might be easy I take out my trusty Dwarven throwing disk foom* spriggan down foom again foom dead I think that was pretty easy I turn around and BAMMMM! 8 bloody spriggans.Scared the hell out of me.

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The only thing that made me jump was my first encounter with the Udyrfrykte (no, this is no typo), i'm doing the thirsk quest and thinking ok, this will be some nasty bear or wolf of some sort, when u go into the liar, around the corner and all of a sudden this mutated monkey/mini-godzilla with spikes (turned out to be arrows) and bright eyes leaps in to view. It's at moments like that my lad, that u make a little jump on ur seat, i know i did



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the most scariest time was when i was about 13 years and i just got the game, i was sitting in my dark room and it was VERY dark outside... i had my volume very high... and then for the first time i were going to explore the Red Mountain, i got through the Ghostgate and it was all whole new for me, never heard about it and stuff, but when i came in i couldn't see anything, i just walked and walked for 5 minnutes without seeing anything and the storm was raging so i wanted to sleep so the storm could come to an end..... ZzZzZzZzZzZz and then... BAMMMM!!! A BIG UGLY ASH SLAVE THINGY JUST HIT ME IN MY FACE and it looked soo realistic with hes good face textures :S damn i just closed the game and crawled into my moms room...
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i thnk the scariest thing ive ever run into is the Hungers the emaciated things with a gaping hole for a mouth and their hands almost drag to the ground... *shiver*


and also i was exploring the sewers in mournhold and i entered a burial that i found andas soon as it loaded a box came up and said something like "as soon as you opened the door you were blasted with a hideous smell, but it was not the smell of the dead... no, there is something else here" i was cheating and in god mode and i left and went away and hid in the temple for a week.



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i thnk the scariest thing ive ever run into is the Hungers the emaciated things with a gaping hole for a mouth and their hands almost drag to the ground... *shiver*


and also i was exploring the sewers in mournhold and i entered a burial that i found andas soon as it loaded a box came up and said something like "as soon as you opened the door you were blasted with a hideous smell, but it was not the smell of the dead... no, there is something else here" i was cheating and in god mode and i left and went away and hid in the temple for a week.



Thereby allowing the Crimson Plague to run unchecked through the city of Mournhold. You cruel, cruel person!

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