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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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Nothing scares me i mean it nothing does im lvl 82 whats to be scared of when ur really good.Especially when ive got all the ancient items and i use the spear of mercy as my weapon and a deadric bow as my range im invincible almost.DAgoth ur is so vulking easy to kill i kiked his ass right where he was his bodies still there.

fargoth what the hell i scary about the fellow?Im a wood elf what do i have to fear im mean come on!I just wish there was a monster that could actually get me too 100 hp instead of leaving me at 320 hp.I mean it what the hell y cant they make a really tough monster im bored with killing things in the game that bores me.Cliff racers ic an kill in a few punches wow really scary people.



This part is a spoiler!!!! :shocked: :grin:


The scariest monster in the game is the things u fight while in tribunal in sothat sils place those damn dinos at first glance iwas only lvl 34 so it scared the poo out of me.the dinos like snuck up on me when i was trying to get across spike traps and vulking wacks me in the back of the head and like nocks me to the ground from the blow then the vulking trap comes up and hurts me ouch poitny.And the dead Sotha Sil is kinda disturbing his body is all mutilated Almalexia kills him.spoiler.

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The ancestral ghost gave me a little fright when i first saw it, now keep in mind i was hearing footsteps out in the hallway when no one was home, so a ghost going "rahh!" with the volume all the way up was the last thing i needed


EDIT -- Few spelling mistakes...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Three creature can scare me, Ghosts, there just creepy the way they float at you.

Slaughter fish, when you low on health and your swimming in the sea of ghosts, those little buggers can get me going, just because there hard to see and are behind you underwater. The third would be nix hounds (laugh) haha because they are green and in the right light they can blend in really well, it's not really scary just shocking (makes me jump) when you walking through a few bushes and all of a sudden it moves and swings a paw at you!.

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I HATE Ash Vampires!!!(you Know, Dagoth Endus, Gilvoth, Uthol, a.k.a ASH VAMPIRES!!!!!!) You're walking around in the tunnels of Kogruhn, slaying the occasional Flame Atronach, and AUGHHHHHH!!!!! a three eyed Freak from Satin's crack, womps you with a nasty spell! Thats when you Decide that No Optomitrist's worce nightmare is going to be wailing on you! Being the pervert that you are, you cut of his loin cloth and snap a few pics, and teleloport outa there!
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  • 2 weeks later...
cliffracers....there everywere.........lookout! theres one there, right behing you AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *trails off into the distance screaming and beeing eaten by cliffracers*
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  • 1 month later...

Im not really sure exactly what creature makes me most scared, but those im probaly the most scared of is:


Grahls (monster from the Bloodmoon expansion)


the Uderfrykte (a boss from the Bloodmoon expansion)


and the last i think would be kaogutis



I just find those friggen creepy. Well not as much if i use third person angle (which is what i allways use tough) but if i use first person angle, then i can be damn scared :shocked:

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