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Sharpshooters Extreme Graphics Vision ENB


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So I've downloaded this mod, and I'm getting a smooth 40 fps in Solitude, about 35-40 in Whiterun and 60 fps indoors. But it's still choppy as hell, whenever I move, it's like the game skips a lot of frames. When I stand still and look around, everything goes smooth, but when I walk/run/sprint all hell breaks loose. Is there some sort of fix for this, I'm not experienced when it comes to ENB stuff.


Any help would be appreciated, Skyrim has become unplayable now. :(

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If the game is unplayable the obvious solution would be to disable it and/ or try a different enb.

Btw, bumping threads is frowned upon by Nexus and a quick way to get your thread locked.

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Did you even read my post? If you don't have anything useful to say, don't reply. I'm looking for a solution, so please, don't post useless stuff about bumping and that it's frowned upon. >_>


I've tried 3 different ENB mods now and they all do the same, my mouse reacts very weird, when I open the world map, it becomes laggy as hell, I even disabled all mods and it's still laggy. Even tried out the lowest possible settings with no DOF and all that. But the game is still lagging and stuttering.



NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 - 1gb ddr5

Intel® Core2 Duo CPU - E8500 @ 3.16GHz (2 CPUs), ~3.2GHz

850 watt power supply.

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Yeah, I've been thinking about stuffing more memory into my system, but I don't think that's the problem.
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