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mannimarco revisited


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I can't get any of the custom textures to show up. every thing comes up with that big yellow !


I can't enter his chamber, because where his door should be is another big yellow ! I'm running it at the very bottom of my load order in obmm (and installed with obmm), any ideas what's up?

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Does it rely on another mod for it's textures? If so you might need to make a copy to the location the mod needs (it sounds like the filepath is wrong, or some textures are corrupt.)


Also, how did you install it? And did you try re-installing it, after all your other mods? Perhaps something got overwritten.

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Does it rely on another mod for it's textures? If so you might need to make a copy to the location the mod needs (it sounds like the filepath is wrong, or some textures are corrupt.)


Also, how did you install it? And did you try re-installing it, after all your other mods? Perhaps something got overwritten.


I can successfully run all the other mods. I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it (all using obmm creating from a z archive.) It should be a self running mod. It does not say it depends on any others.

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If you can run other mods that makes it unlikely that the problem is archive invalidation or UAC related.


If this is a mod that comes as a premade OMOD perhaps your download is corrupted. Try redownloading and see if the new copy has the same problems.


If this is an 'OMOD ready archive' it may have files or folders that aren't quite right (i.e. need a choice of options you don't want removed before you create the OMOD or perhaps folder structure errors). Look through the mod comments for similar problems, as unless it's a brand new mod that type of error should be widely reported.


Lastly make sure you actually have everything that is required in the mod requirements (example Shivering Isles if it says it requires SI).

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