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Cannot start "The Eye of Magnus"


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Now here's a painintheass. I am trying to get started on the final part of the College of Winterhold questline, but when I finish "The Staff of Magnus", it doesn't transition into "The Eye of Magnus". Using console commands such as "startquest" or "setstage" on both this particular quest and on its preceding ones don't help in the slightest; they seem to have no effect at all.


For instance, I've continually tried "setstage MG08 10", but it does absolutely nothing. Tried "setstage MG07 200", and it doesn't transition correctly. The list goes on.


I'm fresh out of ideas on what to do. I'm currently holding at about stage 70 of "The Staff of Magnus", where I have the staff and need to return to Tolfdir. Any advice?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
I also have this problem and it pisses me off. I had the same problem with an earlier quest but i managed to get out of it by starting the staff of magnus, but after i finished this, the eye of magnus just doesent start. i also have the problem that my college of winterhold is gone on the map, i had to fast travel to winterhold instead. the weirdest thing is, i have completed the college of winterhold questline before and i had no trouble back then. is this because of a later skyrim update, or because of dawnguard? i dont know. i do know that i need help, because nothing at all seems to work.
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The college is removed from fast travel because of what is happening at the college....

Not sure why you are not getting the quest update, but using a lot of console commands can mess up your quests.

Just checking, you did pick up the staff? Also, when you return to the college did you initiate dialog with Tolfdir?

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