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Difficulties running Skyrim (Unmodded even...)


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Hey there!


I have recently bought a new pc with a significant punch.


GTX 1070 TI Aero 8GB

i5 8600k @4.6GHz

Asus Z370 A Pro

Corsair Vengeance 2x8Gb 3200Mhz

Asus VG248 1920x1080 144Hz Monitor


I can't really play Skyrim. First of all, the Intro. Obviously my 144Hz without VSync will cause Havok glitches. How should I best limit my fps?


Second of all, whenever I am moving my camera, a weird colourful drag / shimmering effect follows for example the trees in the vicinity.Its sort of a blurred, colourful shimmering that drags behind objects when moving the camera. This makes the game barely playable. (Note that the game has not been modded at this point, some minor Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini changes may have been done). Can anyone help me with this problem? I am fairly new with very modern Rigs and Nvidia as a whole. It'd be really appreciated.

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Welcome to the nexus forums.


First install this mod




enable Vsync in Nvidia control panel. controlpanel/nvidia controlpanel/vsync=on that should help with the tearing.


By looking at your specs you should be ok though but that'll give you some good numbers. You can limit your FPS to 60 by using Nvidia inspector you can download it and there are numerous tutorials on Youtube on how to do that.


Go into your SKyrim settings in steam and put your shadows on High. Have you overclocked your GPU yet? That might also help a bit.

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