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Reposition of Battle axes and War hammers on back


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One thing has always bugged me about the position of war hammers and battle axes when "sheathed" on the players back is that the handle sticks up so far in the air. Is there a way someone could make it so the weapons sit lower on the back or explain how to do it?



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  • 5 months later...
actually i did some research (it's bugged me since Fable) and on the rare times when a warrior did carry a hammer or large axe on his back, it was turned the other way. with the heavy head of the weapon up around the shoulders. makes sense as the swaying of the weapon turned the way it is in game, would be like a pendulum when walking/running and make it near impossible to function. plus there's no realistic way you could even sheath the things the way they do in game.. how ya gonna slip a huge hammer head thru a lil sheath. and of course the weight of the head would make the weapon just slip out to the floor.
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