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Crash to Desktop (CTD) with UFO?


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Hi, first of all thank you for taking the time to at least read my issue and attempt to find a solution.


So, I have 3 save games where when I load them with UFO, i get the quest update saying "Completed: UFO Horses Initialized". Then, after I make a new save, and load that new save, my game ctd's at the black load screen. But if I disable UFO completely, none of my games load and they all ctd at the load screen. Any suggestions? Would I have to reinstall skyrim? and if so, if try to load the same save game, will it still be corrupted even after the reinstall?


Thanks for your help!

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When you say diable completely, so you mean uninstall using the mod authors specific instructions? Because if not, that could cause the problems you describe.

Also, UFO conflicts with a few horse mods and follower mods, do that could cause your first issue.

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Hmm...did you notice the problem before that deactivation thing or after?


Also do you have any other horse mods? Follower mods?


I'm thinking you may have to try the complete uninstall reinstall thing. Maybe someone else will have a less drastic solution. I know UFO covers a lot of different areas, lots of scripts, etc. I really like UFO but I do not follow the updates because I am at 56 level and do not want to risk breaking my game.


You might also try reading through the UFO discussion thread and/or contacting the author, s/he may know better what happened and how to fix it, and this may have already been addressed on the mod discussion thread.

Good luck!

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I had some mods that added new followers, like the beautiful companions mod, and I used the npc editor to edit some of my followers, but I don't know if that would cause the crashes when combined with UFO. Any final suggestions? But I'll definitely try to get in touch with the UFO mod creator and see if he/she has any knowledge on the issue, and in the mean time try to figure out what I can on my own. Thanks for your help georgie!
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