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Strange noise and momentary freezing-sort-of-glitch


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Hi, hopefully someone can help


I'm not sure if this is a Skyrim problem, a graphics driver problem, a sound problem or what :S


I'll be playing Skyrim and after a bit I'll get a bong-bong sound, like an error sound but there's no crash and no message if I tab-out. When this happens there is also a brief sort-of-freeze in movement. If I'm moving, I can't change direction, If I'm stationary, I can't move. I haven't noticed any NPC's freeze, but it only last a moment. It was happening more often as I played longer, but the last time it started almost immediately and soon became so frequent it was getting hard to play. Anyone have any ideas what it might be. I tried searching but I don't have a clue what to search for "bong-bong noise and sort-of-freezing" doesn't really bring much up. Have AMD RADEON HD 6450, I think the drivers are all uptodate, I can't make it search for driver updates. Not sure about sound drivers. I am using quite a few mods.


Thanks for anyone who takes the time to read, I could really use some help.

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It sounds to me like you are receiving a system error from a background program, although it could be a driver issue.

System error warnings will not show up in Skyrim, but if you have it set up to do so, you will find them in your computers system logs.


This is what I would do:

1. Shut off any background programs when playing. If you are not very familiar with your computer, you may benefit from using a program like Game Booster, which was free the last time I checked. This may be all you need to solve your problem. If not...

2. Many firewall/anti-virus programs have a game mode, which turns off your automatic scans, updates etc. Check yours out and use it. If it doesn't have one, you may need to turn these things off manually (just the auto scans and updates, not the basic program)

3. Download something like CPU-Z, a free program that helps you monitor your computer's performance. Check your RAM and VRAM load when you play, and also your temperature.Overheating could cause a freeze/system warning.

4. Blow out your computer with canned error, thoroughly. Dust can cause overheating and also static, which can do all sorts of havoc, including causing system errors and major damage. If there is any dust at all, blow it out. Disconnect your power source first....

5 This is where you get your graphics driver updates. YOu don't have to have your card find them, you can just get them from the website. There is probably a little program on this website that will be able to tell you if your card is up to date and what updates you need Radeon Link for your cards support page.


I'm hopig something on that list will help you. If not, let me know.

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I thought it might be a background program. Got Game Booster, it indicated a windows update problem, trying to access something that's certificate had expired or something (which might indicate why it just started all of a sudden). I cleaned out urlcache files, it's slowed down somewhat, but is still happening. And thanks for the link to the drivers, mine were a bit behind, and I never know where to look for those sorts of things. I'll play around with windows update and see if I can work out what exactly it's trying to do. All good advice, and thanks for your time, it's much appreciated. If anyone can think of anything else to try, I'd be glad, but I've something to go on for now at least.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a follow up, in case anyone hits on this topic in the future:


I finally hit upon the very basic idea of checking what exactly the sounds were. Turns out they were the Device Connect/Disconnect sounds. Googled and found it was possibly a problem with the usb mouse, which would make sense given the loss of mouse control between the sounds. So I replaced the mouse and have had no problems, no annoying sounds or stops, works perfectly (as perfectly as a fairly heavily modded Skyrim works anyhow). About six hours playing seems to confirm, the problem was something to do with the mouse.


Thanks again for the suggestions, and I hope this helps

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