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New Weapon Rack/Stand


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Hello, I would like to know if anyone knows of a mod or is working on a mod that adds a weapon rack like the ones from Filled Weapon Displays by xnjguy link: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16552 that we can put our own weapons in instead of being pre-filled?
Like what I've circled in the picture attached.

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It should be possible by swapping the mesh of the normal display rack to be just a section of the whole thing that can hold one gun, then set the snap points so it is oriented with the weapon pointed up (and grip out) and snaps to the side of others like itself.

You'd likely end up with some weapons floating, or some longer ones clipping through the bottom, but you could remedy that by making it look like there's some sort of clamp holding them in place with no bottom to the rack, rather than just having them sit on the bottom of the rack.

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I enjoy the display mods, but I'd like to be able to put guns on racks, for my style of minutemen, sadly I'm not the best at modding those things in.

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Will the weapon racks included in the DLC or this mod not get you want you want? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5080/



Like his screenshot shows, he (and me) wants a rack that is more for storing weapons that showcasing. Remember those movie scenes where soldiers running past racks and grab their weapon to get into the fight?


Okay, but functionally it's going to have to be the same as those, just displaying them so it looks like a rack. I'll be finishing my update for AARP soon, I'll look into this when I'm done. If it works the way I think it does I think I can knock this out in a weekend using the method I mentioned in my earlier post. If it's more complicated than that, well, you're SOL.

Edited by jkruse05
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