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Can I have more than one character created using different mods?


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I'm currently playing a game using a male character. I was wondering if I could create a female character and play a new game using different sets of mods more geared towards playing as a female. I thought about copying the Oblivion folder where all the saves are stored and simply renaming it. I also thought of copying the Oblivion folder with all the data in it and renaming that too. Then when it's time to use each character, I would rename the folder containing a specific character game to Oblivion so I could play that game. I haven't actually tested this with Oblivion yet, but I do it for Morrowind. There's probably a much easier way but I have no idea how at the moment. So is there an easier way to do this for Oblivion and/or will this work?
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You could do that and hope you don't have a problem due to making an error one day or you can use Multiple Oblivion Manager (MOM). I use it to keep two characters separate. They have separate mod lists, save folders ... everything you could ask for. MOM is easy to install and simple to use.
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I just downloaded it and looks great. I have one question though concerning importing my installs. The path to my current install is C:/Games//Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion. When I import this install, do I include "Oblivion" or would it just need to know where the "Bethesda Softworks" folder is? I already directed it there but didn't get any errors. I'm not sure if that's because I did it correctly or it just didn't detect an error in the path. I hope this question isn't too confusing.
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Unfortunately I won't be home and at my gaming PC for quite a while (as in weeks type of quite a while). My own Oblivion install is on a hard drive dedicated to games. I don't recall much specifically around getting things set up ... read the readme, followed directions and it worked if I recall correctly.


You'll know that MOM is finding your current install when you start the program. All your various installs (which at first will be just your original) will be listed in the box and your current active will be at the top of the screen (not necessarily the top of the list once you have multiple installs to chose from).


Am I getting it right that your current install is in C:\Games\\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion (note the double backslash) or was that just a typo?

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That is the correct path. I wasn't quite sure how to type that out. So by "Installs" does it mean more than one Oblivion folder (i.e., the folder that the game installation process creates)? I guess the simplicity of it all confuses me a bit.
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At home I have two characters. I call them MyOldGuy and MyNewGuy. When I look in my game's install folder when I'm 'logged in' on my old guy I have a folder named MyNewGuy and inside it all the game's folders and files are there as if the folder MyNewGuy was my Oblivion folder. There is also an Oblivion folder (same as usual before using MOM) and of course inside it is all the usual games folders ... they would belong to my old guy at this point.


When I switch to 'log in' to my new guy MOM renames all the appropriate folders. Now I have a folder named MyOldGuy, with all the usual game files and folders inside and I still have an Oblivion folder, but now it has all the game files and folders for my new guy's game. MOM does the same with your saves folders.


When I started out I was using the same mod list with both guys so really all MOM was doing was keep the saves separate (I just cloned my old guy's setup and used a before the sewer exit save to create a new character and deleted all the old guy's saves, after backing up of course). Over time I've added mods to one or the other character's setup and uninstalled a couple from the new guy.


The only thing that's a bit of a pain in the butt with MOM is if you are wanting a new mod installed in more than one character's 'profile'. I'm a manual installer so I can install to both characters using one 'Copy' and two 'Pastes' (one in the Oblivion folder and one in either the MyOldGuy or MyNewGuy folder depending on which is active at the time ... just use MyOldGuy or MyNewGuy the same as an Oblivion folder). You do however need to activate the new mod in Data Files for one character and then switch to the other character and activate the new mod in that character's Data Files. If you are an OBMM or BAIN type you'll need to do similar there.


I'm surprised by the extra backslash ... can't say I've ever run into that before.

Edited by Striker879
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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry for the late response, Striker. I'm still a bit confused on this MOM thing. Say I want to add a new character. I still have a backup of a fresh Oblivion install on my pc. Would I copy and paste that in my install folder and use that as my new fresh character profile? Also, as far as using the same mods for different characters, you said you do it manually. I don't use the Oblivion Launcher to activate my mods, just Wrye Bash and OBMM. Would I just copy and paste the mod into each folder, then open up each profile through Wrye Bash (or OBMM) using MOM and check the mod and rebuild the patch as I normally would if I just had one character? I'm sure this is all extremely simple. I think it just hasn't clicked yet. I think I understand the concept of MOM renaming the folders to Oblivion depending on which character I want to use. I hope i'm not confusing myself even more. By the way, that extra backslash was just a typo on my part.
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If you want to use completely different sets of mods for different characters, use MOM to manage multiple installs (this is how I keep my HGEC game separate from my DMRA game), but if you want to run two characters with roughly the same mod set, you can use Wrye Bash's Save Profile Manager to organize them.
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Well I was thinking of starting from scratch. Sure I may use some or a bunch of similar mods, but on the other hand, the characters will be very different, so i'd like to have some mods geared towards my new character.


If you are going to keep the basic foundations the same (same body replacer, same major overhaul type mods) and just change more specific, detail oriented stuff, you can use Wrye Bash to sync a specific set of mods to specific save profiles.

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