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Armor Mod for Argonians and Khajit


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  • 3 months later...

I like this idea, Even though I don't really play those races, but I have a few issues with it. While the beasts are usually lightly armored, I can see the benefit of armoring there tail from a players standpoint, I don't think it would be quite logical from a character standpoint.


Khajits are cats, and as such, there tail is used to keep them balanced, and more agile. As for Argonians are more like frogs... or in this case, tadpoles. They swim by, mainly, moving there tail back and forth. Armoring either of these races tails would take away from there natural skill, and thus, would hinder them in the long run.


If anything, I'd like to see someone mod vanilla armor (as well as other armors) to just let the tail through a hole in the back, so we can still see it, since no armor that I know of lets us see that, at all.

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