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Custom mod recreation


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I'm trying to remake a custom companion i had (i've lost everything i had in my computer and the only thing i had backed up was my save files) but now when i load an old savefile she appears as a "new" NPC.Isn't it possible to remake that specific NPC (with all the loot and items she had) by remaking the .esp's?
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When you created the NPC the first time a hexadecimal ID was assigned (it's shown in a collapsed column beside the Name column). If you remade the NPC two seconds or two years later it will be assigned an ID ... and a unique ID at that.


Best you could do is make a new NPC that looks the same and has all the same things in the starting inventory. If you had a backup of your original esp you'd be homefree.

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I was hoping that somehow through the save files i could make it happen.

I can't remember but at least i hope she didn't carry anything more than loot. :(


Thank you very much for the reply.

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I have a save where i first made her as a PC so i'm covered from that aspect.It's pretty interesting though to know that even without it i could recover the face.


Thanks a bunch man.



*sigh* why didn't i make a freakin back up... xP

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Ok,for some reason i can't retrieve the face from my save file.I'm using the 295.5 python version of wrye bash and i get this:


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bash\basher.py", line 12802, in Execute

srcFace = bosh.PCFaces.save_getFace(srcInfo)

File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bash\bosh.py", line 13095, in save_getFace

return PCFaces.save_getPlayerFace(saveFile)

File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bash\bosh.py", line 13185, in save_getPlayerFace

namePos = PCFaces.save_getNamePos(saveFile.fileInfo.name,data,saveFile.pcName)

File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bash\bosh.py", line 13080, in save_getNamePos

namePos = data.find(pcName)

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 4: ordinal not in range(128)



I think i could definatelly use the way Striker879 was talking about.If anyone could help it'd be great.



About my problem in the OP:could it be possible to find the formid via the save file somehow?Sorry but i had to ask.Also,since i'm using toaster's share and recruit,i'm getting "red squaleader has vanished" and i was hoping that could give me some kind of a reference but it shows nothing when i open the console.Just in case anyone knows a trick about that.

Edited by Legotrash
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Without the esp I don't think there's any way to retrieve your missing NPC's refID or baseID. The only ways I can even think may be possible is with either TES4Edit or perhaps Wrye Bash (but I'm doubtful on both counts).


We'll need to hope that someone with experience exchanging faces sees your post as I've never had any hands on with doing that (just know I've read that there are ways to do it).

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Once again,thank you very much for the reply!I'd give you kudos but it takes me to skyrim's page. :huh:


I didn't mention one thing: In one of my old saves my PC was using that NPC's custom race and after some trial and error,the new custom race that i remade works and that save loads (and there's no way it has the same id as the old one).Just in case it'll help people somehow.Hope dies last,right? :sweat:

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LOL ... yes it is said that Hope springs eternal. Don't sweat the kudos ... thanks mean far more to me and you've paid in full.
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