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Mods were working, now aren't. Please help!


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All my mods were working but I had to disable all of them to get a main story quest to work, but when I turned them back on most don't work or at least aren't in game anymore. My bulk build in bodyslide also doesnt build a lot of outfits now when it did before. How do I Fix this?
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obviously if you removed mods from an active save , anything added through them won't appear on that save

that is one of the main reasons why changing load orders by removing or even sometimes adding new mods could be a big issue

there is no real way to fix this , because by disabling the mods anything added by them that you already had will be gone


as for BodySlide , it just sounds like you aren't doing this properly , or for some reason BodySlide doesn't recognize some of your outfits

it could be that you are not actually building these outfits due to not selecting their category or something like this , but there are plenty of things you may have done to cause this

it really depends on what you've actually done and how , and that only you know


if your load order breaks some of the main quests , it'll probably keep doing this , so I would suggest finding the issues you currently have and fixing your load order , instead of trying to handle these problems as they come

it may be more work right now , but at least you won't have to troubleshoot problems much later in the game , when losing your save file will mean a loss of a lot of gameplay hours

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Well the problem is even when starting a new game most mods still doesnt work, including the Asian face preset from Oni Asian Face parts. Even though I have over 42 hours gameplay I'd restart if it meant getting them to work again. Your thoughts?
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