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Disappearing Graphics


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After playing Morrowind to a certain point, I thought I'd give it a rest; my computer was producing smoke from every crevice trying to cope with it, and I just couldn't drink that many cups of tea a day waiting for the next area to load.


Now back with a vengance, hoping my 2.6 P4 with 2G Ram and a 256mb radeon9200, would be able to tackle the memory leaks to a certain extent, you can imagine how horrified I was at the start of my new expedition in Vvardenfell when I arrived in a world without walls or trees, and the occassional missing limb or suchlike. Any help would be appreciated.


I am running dx9 with the latest gfx drivers.



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I'm certainly not the expert on matters such as these, but I suspect this is either a driver issue or else you have a "bad" install of Morrowind.


I once updated the drivers for my ATI 8500 and all sorts of "things" in-game (plants, walls, etc) would flicker off and on... very annoying. I rolled my driver back and everything was fine. I've been afraid to update them again ever since! LOL...

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Thanks alot, it seems if my system, was running two copies of the gfx driver, how i cannot say, but after rectifying the problem and downloading the drivers again, just on the off chance that the first set were courrupt, my troubles seemed to have passed. I got to enjoy a good few hours of Morrowind at a speed that it was meant to be played at last night, and I'm sure there will be many more where that came from!
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