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Skyrim zombies ?


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I know there are a few Skyrim zombie mods already but I am not very pleased with those >.< lol .. I think it'd be cool to have a zombie mod in Skyrim that is similar to this mod from Fallout: New Vegas; http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37067 . But, with better looking zombies o.o .. Just saying lol Also to have an enable option so there isn't now a zombified skyrim in all of my character saves xD

If someone makes this mod or even finds a mod that is like this .. Please do inform o.o

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I think it would be kind of cool if there was a status effect or spell (sort of like Soul Trap) where if a creature is killed whit the effect in place then they become a zombie. Then the zombie has the ability to hit others with that effect (perhaps when they attack with their fists or bites). So you get one zombie who can infect others ad infinitum.
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